

n.1.An airwoman; an aviatress.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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She has been dubbed the Birdwoman of the Dochas after the famous American inmate Robert Franklin Stroud who was known as the Birdman of Alcatraz.
ON SHOW Deborah Snell's work, clockwise from above, The Three Fates, Storm at Sea and Birdwoman
For example, through an analysis of the 1991 radio play Birdwoman and the Suffragettes: A Story of Sacajewa, the trope of the indigenous woman as sexualized traitor is identified as a locus of gendered colonial power and violence.
Yet the Pukka cook is not the only celebrity chef to become a fan of the Midland birdwoman.
But my adopted role as birdwoman of the Holme Valley is fiercely contested by my mother who feeds her birds almost religiously and with all manner of goodies.
However, in the dim recesses of his memory, a picture emerges of young Sergeant piling the boxes in an Anfield alley, so that he could climb on them to peer over the wall into the backyard of a Miss Fleming, dubbed the Birdwoman from Elsie Road by the popular prints, because she had defied a court order to stop feeding in her yard the pigeons, who were deemed a health hazard.
The birdwoman's narrative flight is that of Cixous and Clement's newly born woman who can "fly and flee into a new heaven and new earth of her own invention" (50) in her heterogeneous text combining hysteric convulsions, witches' flights, mad tarantella and vertiginous rope dance, with acrobatic somersaults, grotesque contortions, clownesque grimaces and overall spasmodic fits of laughter--all out-maneuvering the symbolic order, in a histrionic hysteric festival of metamorphosis providing pleasures of a Fevverish text.
Birdwoman: The Story of Sacagawea, Ric Averill (also dir).
The Norwegian birdwoman told husband Knut to keep away from her for fear of cracking the abandoned egg.
If you're slim and beautiful, the Birdwoman would lament as her own weight went up and down like a yo-yo, people will forgive you anything.
Miss Dingwall - dubbed the Birdwoman of Glenfarg - went to court to fight the ban but a sheriff has ruled Perth and Kinross Council was right to serve her with the abatement notice.
A DISABLED lady, dubbed the Birdwoman of Glenfarg, yesterday went to court to fight a council ban on feeding her feathered friends in her garden.