military occupation

(redirected from Belligerent military occupation)
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military occupation

A condition in which territory is under the effective control of a foreign armed force. See also occupied territory; phases of military government.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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These include the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, which aims to protect civilians under belligerent military occupation until peace is restored and their territories relinquished by the conquering armies.
Ashrawi also discussed the US administration's disastrous and unilateral moves which have emboldened Israel to persistently violate international law and destroy the chances for a just peace and stability: "The United States' blanket support of Israel and its complicit role in the belligerent military occupation have generated conditions for great volatility and instability throughout the region and beyond."
However, it's important to mention that Palestinians living under a belligerent military occupation are, under the international humanitarian law, a "protected population", which obligates the occupying power to protect the occupied population.
And worse yet, the Israelis will have gotten you to consent to your own belligerent military occupation in this Interim Agreement.
Ashrawi urged all members of the international community to hold Israel to account for its deliberate and systematic violations in order to bring an end to the belligerent military occupation and grave suffering of the Palestinian people once and for all.
He added that after almost 50 years of systematic Israeli colonization and belligerent military occupation of the State of Palestine, the US must implement the necessary tools to end Israeli settlements, including through the UN Security Council, end funding to Israel, and stop funding settlements through US-based organizations fueling violence and discrimination against Palestinians.
There can be no experience more humiliating than life under a belligerent military occupation by a foreign power.
If there is no serious intervention from the international community towards the Israeli government and its belligerent military occupation, other villages will be next, and more Palestinian men, women and children will be displaced for another 70 years to come.
Further, the Court reiterated established customary international law and its relevance to Israel' belligerent military occupation, that the settlements are in breach of international law.