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(ˌbeɪhɪˈstuːn) ,




(Placename) a village in W Iran by the ancient road from Ecbatana to Babylon. On a nearby cliff is an inscription by Darius in Old Persian, Elamite, and Babylonian describing his enthronement
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But there is no question of a "wohl achamenidische Personengruppe." or a "Detail der Inschrift von Behistun."
Darius the Great became the third Achaemenid king to be ruler over this entity and he dealt with many small revolts, as depicted memorably in the massive Behistun Inscription.
No han aparecido textos biblicos y los unicos documentos literarios son copias de la Sabiduria de Ahikar y de la Inscripcion de Behistun.
Heavy damage was inflicted on the historical structures of Qasr-e Shirin, Dalahou and Sar Pol-e Zahab counties, but the Behistun Inscription and Taq-e Bostan, Kermanshah province's major attractions, remained unscathed, the news service reported.
The name also appears in some Persian inscriptions, particularly in the Behistun inscription (528-486 B.C) and in the inscription discovered from the ruins of the Susa Palace in Persia (An archeological site belonging to 6th century B.C).
The two primary sources of Smerdis the Magus (and impostor) are Herodotus in the 5th century BCE, and the earlier Behistun inscription authored by Darius the Great of Persia in the 6th century BCE.
The two foreign chemical companies have to compete with 15 petrochemical complexes from Iran, including Arvand Petrochemical Complex, Hmtryn supplier, Ilam, Abadan, Bandar Imam, Ali Sina, Behistun, Persia, Tabriz, Tondgooyan, Khorasan, Khuzestan, shazand, Shiraz and Kermanshah which are active in the IME.
Among epic figures, he points to Afrasiab, Rostam, Sohrab, Saivash, Bijan and Fereydoun as well as epic feats such as Conquest of Kaavian, Jame Jam, Farhad's rock carving and Mount Behistun. Also, there are three references to Mansoor Hallaj and his execution story along with several allusions to Adam and Eve, Gog and Magog, Harut and Marut, Layla and Majnun, Mahmoud Ghaznavi and his iconoclasm.
How to reconcile this use of sutur with its use in DB 63:80 (on the Behistun monument to Darius) in the meaning 'right' or 'rectitude' is something of a problem.
The "archeological harvest" of the history of Egypt and Assyria to be emulated for Syria-Palaestina consists of massive literary histories preserved entire, along with the Rosetta and Behistun keys to their decipherment; while the "hundreds" of Palestine epigraphs are mostly names in small transactions.