Beaker folk

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Beaker folk

1. (Anthropology & Ethnology) a prehistoric people thought to have originated in the Iberian peninsula and spread to central Europe and Britain during the second millennium bc
2. (Archaeology) a prehistoric people thought to have originated in the Iberian peninsula and spread to central Europe and Britain during the second millennium bc
[C20: named after the beakers found among their remains]
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The Beaker folk brought with them the ability to work metal, and the cairn builders may have originally come from the Rhineland.
Hosted by XFM's Clint Boon, the afternoon began with some of the best up-and-coming bands from the town, with sets from Chilli Con Carnival, The Little Hydes, Ariel Chambers, Beaker Folk of the Bronze Age, Silent Thunder and Red Orchestra, before performances from Ghengis Grimes, Hang Project and Mama Beani.
Liverpool bands The Little Hydes and Beaker Folk of the Bronze Age complete the line-up.