Baranof Island

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Baranof Island

(Placename) an island off SE Alaska, in the western part of the Alexander Archipelago. Area: 4162 sq km (1607 sq miles)
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A month later, in an almost identical situation, a big bear killed a hunter on Baranof Island, and I decided a suitable sidearm might be appropriate for future wanderings in coastal Alaska.
There were no initial reports of damage but the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center said a small tsunami of about six inches was observed near the Southeastern Alaskan town of Port Alexander on Baranof Island.
Minimum distances south of the breeding range were determined using an online distance calculator that examined straight-line distances between the south tip of Baranof Island, Alaska (that is, southernmost suspected breeding area of Kittlitz's Murrelets in northern Southeast Alaska; approximately 56[degrees]N) and selected points, rounded to the nearest 10 km (
Fair winds, sunshine and calm seas prompted us to sail the remote west coast of Baranof Island. We departed Sitka, Alaska, on the long passage to Portland.
Cucujus clavipes Fabricius (1781) was described from "America boreali." Cucujus puniceus Mannerheim (1843) was described from "insula Sitkha", now Baranof Island in southeastern Alaska and the site of the modern city of Sitka.
I moved to Baranof Island a year ago and have been once again amazed at the power of community.
Arguably the most beautiful of Alaskan ports it nestles on the west side of Baranof Island in an island dotted bay offering spectacular views of snow capped mountains including a dormant volcano.
Come September I headed for the southeastern side of Baranof Island determined to put Murphy to the test once more.
Baranof Island ACP, IDDH, XO ACP, PGM-1 PGM-1, PGM-2 Cross Sound ACP, IDDH, XO None Cape Fairweather ACP, PGM-2 ACP Yakutat ACP, MPI MPI PGM-2, XO Cape Suckling None None Prince William Sound IDDH, PGM-2, XO N/A Kodiak ACP, IDDH None PGM-2, XO Amlia Island None N/A South Atka Pass MPI N/A South Tanaga Island PEPA, PGM-2 N/A North Semisopochnoi Island IDDH N/A North Atka Pass None N/A N.
I talked with Kathleen McCrossin, a school teacher who has lived in the seaside town of Sitka, on Baranof Island, since 1988, to find out what effect losing the KPC contract might have on the town.

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