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abbreviation for
(Automotive Engineering) British Virgin Islands (international car registration)
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For NAVASA's Bui, there's no mistaking the profound political shifts taking hold of the community.
Bui, of the division of endocrinology at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
Later that week, when it's my turn to enter the little conference room for a chat with the assistant county attorney, I propose the BUI plea.
A BUI statement said Gomez made the decision himself to stop fighting because he had decided to retire from the sport.
About 70 Dominican and 50 Holy Rosary nuns study in their respective motherhouses, while the others study at the bishop's house in Bui Chu, Nam Dinh province, 120 kilometers southeast of Ha Noi.
They attend the Fish and Boat Academy, which includes a 40-hour block of comprehensive BUI training, from the classroom to the water, and, finally, into mock trials with actual DUI defense attorneys and judges.
Says Bui, "It's possible because the threat of bioterrorism might keep people away from the mall, so on-line retailing might do well."
Directed, written by Timothy Linh Bui. Story, Timothy Linh Bui, Tony Bui.
In Tony Bui's delicately evocative first feature film, the Vietnam that resisted French colonials and Westmoreland's divisions is slowly giving way to the relentless tides of globalization.
Daniel Bui, Winner of the Overall Most Original Prize commented: "ACM Quest Contests are great incentives to bring your zany flights of fancies to fruition.