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n. Greek Mythology
The goddess of justice.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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My brother Masons swear by the blood that they are ready to sacrifice everything for their neighbor, but they do not give a ruble each to the collections for the poor, and they intrigue, the Astraea Lodge against the Manna Seekers, and fuss about an authentic Scotch carpet and a charter that nobody needs, and the meaning of which the very man who wrote it does not understand.
"As far as the eye can see there will always be a pilot in command of an aircraft," says Lambert Dopping-Hepenstal, the director of ASTRAEA. But that pilot may be on the ground and he may be looking after more than one unmanned aircraft at the same time.
"Matsutani spent more than 15 years developing, researching and refining the world's first rare sugars including ASTRAEA Allulose," said Yoshinobu Matsutani, executive vice president at Matsutani.
(68) So also the references to Astraea in Parmenius, Carmen [phrase omitted] lines 93-95, and Hayman, Quodlibets Book 3.22.
y Stephanodiscus astraea fueron algunas de las especies mas frecuentes en los sitios de muestreo.
Yates, Astraea: The Imperial Theme in the Sixteenth Century (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1975); and Frances A.Yates, 'Queen Elizabeth as Astraea', Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 10 (1947), 27-82.
Physical and biological processes influencing zonation patterns of a subtidal population of the marine snail, Astraea (Lithopoma) undosa Wood 1828.
Com financiamento da fundacao Astraea, (13) foi possivel que Claudia Corredor e Maria Cristina Rodriguez, integrantes do Mujeres Al Borde, participassem presencialmente do festival de cinema do QWOCMAP na California naquele ano, levando consigo sete filmes documentarios autobiograficos (14) produzidos em 2011 em Bogota e em Santiago do Chile.