

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
(26) Henry de Bracton, Henrici de Bracton de legibus & consuetudinibus Anglic (London: Flesher andYoung, 1640), pp.
(55) In referring to a "structure" of evil I am not attributing intelligibility to evil--ultimately we cannot know why anyone, human or anglic, would freely rebel against God's benevolence.
Brin's attitude towards the history of gender difference is not particularly thoughtful or reflective, as signalled by his insistence that in his invented language of Anglic 'the words "man", "men", and "mankind" apply to humans without reference to gender'.
A system of simplified spelling called Anglic was developed in 1930 by the Swedish philologist R.
Parents and siblings receive due notice; especially important among the latter is the pope's brother Anglic, whom Urban raised to the cardinalate and upon whom he relied heavily.
Leech, an archaic word meaning "physician," is derived from Old English Icece, which has the same sense; it is akin to Old High German lahhi, which means "magician or healer," and is related to the verb lacnian, which means "to heal." The only item approximating a title is a piece of leather from a medieval binding pasted to a sheet of parchment with some words in Latin, indecipherable in the facsimile, assumed to be written around the thirteenth century and identified by Ker as Medicinale anglic' (333).
Vanegas-Zuniga - Anglic Vanegas-Zuniga and Armando Vanegas-Juarez, of Springfield, a son.