Analytical table

(Nat. Hist.) a table in which the characteristics of the species or other groups are arranged so as to facilitate the determination of their names.

See also: analytical

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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However, to help the reader, Tamen provides an analytical table of contents at the end of the book, which summarizes the main flow of the book in a few pages.
It is impossible to lose the thread in this book, which contains an introduction, seven chapters, notes, an analytical table of contents for Human, All Too Human, and two indexes, one for passages cited from Human, All Too Human, the other for subjects and proper names.
In other words, it was a grand occasion to establish what anthropology can bring to the analytical table when examining unions generally and more specifically, the question posed on the dust jacket: given that unions deliver a 'union premium' to their members, why are so few workers now union members?
The reader may be confused by a passage in which the works referenced are not included in an analytical table; for example: "1P and 1S, as well as *Na on the phrase level, are 'classic' examples of the parallel period, a format that became more common in the later 18th century and that we may know from such examples as 1P of Mozart's Symphony No.
There is also an index of important terms and proper names, as well as an analytical table of contents, accompanied by an index of Greek words and an index of citations from Classical authors and the Bible.
(3) A detailed analytical table of contents of the entire Vyakhya, showing that the sections edited and translated in this book amount to something less than twenty per cent of the whole.
An analytical table raises, but does not address, the question as to whether "constitutional technique" requires wisdom (sabiduria) or only prudence (prudencia).
This edition provides at the end an analytical table of contents (from the 1931 edition), a short translation key, and an index of names and subjects.
Lucid graphics: When presenting to management, it's important to reduce complex graphs and analytical tables into simple indicators.
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