Amerindian language

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Noun1.Amerindian language - any of the languages spoken by Amerindians
natural language, tongue - a human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. a computer language
Algonquian language, Algonquin, Algonquian - family of North American Indian languages spoken from Labrador to South Carolina and west to the Great Plains
Atakapan, Attacapa, Attacapan, Atakapa - a language spoken by the Atakapa of the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas
Athabascan, Athapaskan language, Athabaskan, Athapascan, Athapaskan - a group of Amerindian languages (the name coined by an American anthropologist, Edward Sapir)
Muskhogean language, Muskogean language, Muskhogean, Muskogean - a family of North American Indian languages spoken in the southeastern United States
Na-Dene - a family of North American Indian languages
Mosan - a family of Amerindian languages spoken in Washington and British Columbia
Caddoan, Caddoan language, Caddo - a family of North American Indian languages spoken widely in the Midwest by the Caddo
Iroquoian, Iroquoian language, Iroquois - a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Iroquois
Kechuan, Quechuan, Quechuan language, Quechua, Kechua - the language of the Quechua which was spoken by the Incas
Maracan language, Maraco - the language spoken by the Maraco
Tupi-Guarani, Tupi-Guarani language - a family of South American Indian languages
Arawak, Arawakan - a family of South American Indian languages spoken in northeastern South America
Caribbean language, Carib - the family of languages spoken by the Carib
Uto-Aztecan, Uto-Aztecan language - a family of American Indian languages
Mayan language, Maya, Mayan - a family of American Indian languages spoken by Maya
Siouan language, Siouan - a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux
Tanoan, Tanoan language - a family of North American Indian language spoken in southwestern United States
Hokan, Hoka - a family of Amerindian languages spoken in California
Penutian - a family of Amerindian language spoken in the great interior valley of California
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Nassy's familiarity with an Amerindian language was no doubt invaluable in facilitating the logistics of cooperation within these military units.
The workers communicate with one another in an Amerindian language variously identified as Quiche or Mayan.
These linguists have especially attacked his all-encompassing Amerindian language family as being conceptually flawed and unproven.
Petersen cites the example of Mexican census enumerators who still identify an "Indian" as someone who both speaks an Amerindian language and wears "Indian" clothing.
They remain the three largest Amerindian language groups.
(1) According to the most recent census conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), there were 896,917 Indigenous individuals in the country in 2010, constituting a diversity of 253 peoples speaking over 150 Amerindian languages. See the website of Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), a non-profit organization working in partnership with native associations on environmental and social issues, for a frequently updated database of Indigenous peoples living in the country (
Leaving aside the contents of Fray Domingo de Santo Tomas's foundational arte of Quechua, published in 1560, the first word of the title--Grammatica o Arte de la lengua general de los indios de los reynos del Peru--bespeaks the extent to which Latin interacted and interfered with Amerindian languages.
Languages: Spanish (official) 60%, Amerindian languages 40%