American mink

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Related to American mink: American weasel
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Noun1.American mink - usually rich dark brownAmerican mink - usually rich dark brown    
mink - slender-bodied semiaquatic mammal having partially webbed feet; valued for its fur
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"And throughout the year we also try to capture American mink and remove them from local ecosystems.
The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative (Sisi) has asked for help monitoring juvenile American mink, which are leaving their home territories after breeding earlier this year.
River otters occupy riparian habitat shared by several other carnivores that also rely heavily on olfactory senses (e.g., raccoons (Procyon lotor), American mink (Neovison vison), coyote (Canis latrans), and red fox (Vulpes vulpes)), and these species are most likely to be affected by otter latrines.
The water vole was once a common mammal along ditches, rivers and streams but habitat declines, pollution of waterways, industrialisation of agriculture, housing development and predation by American mink have led to severe water vole declines since the 1960s.
The intensification of agriculture has led to a severe loss of habitat, pollution has made waterways untenable, while the spread of the American mink has had a dramatic effect on water vole numbers.
There are various factors behind their decline, from loss and fragmentation of their natural habitat - streams, rivers and other fresh waterways - and agricultural intensification, to pollution of watercourses and predation by non-native American mink.
One of the main factors explaining the avoidance of suitable habitats is high level of predation by the invasive American mink Neovison vison (Lawton & Woodroffe 1991, Barreto et al.
Volunteers are needed for a new project organised by regeneration body Menter Mon to protect Anglesey's endangered water vole from the rapacious American mink.
Water vole numbers have plummeted across the country in the past few decades in the face of loss of suitable habitat and because they are preyed on by invasive American mink, which escaped or were set free from fur farms.
Water voles have seen numbers plummet across the country in the past few decades, in the face of loss of suitable habitat and because they were preyed on by invasive American mink, which escaped or were set free from fur farms.

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