All Saints Day

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Related to All Saints Day: All Souls Day

All′ Saints'′ Day`

a church festival celebrated Nov. 1 in honor of all the saints; Allhallows.
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References in periodicals archive ?
All Saints Day is the day before All Souls Day or Da de los Muertos, a day of honoring our dear ones and ancestors.
It was traditionally believed that the souls of the departed wandered the earth until All Saints Day, and Hallowe'en was the last chance to avenge their enemies.
Mrs Yates, Class 4 teacher commented: "All Saints Day is one of my favourite events, I am always impressed with the hard work and effort the children make."
In order to honor all the saints, known and unknown, Pope Gregory III (731-734) established All Saints Day. The date for this "memorial day" for saints moved around until it was eventually set on November 1 by Gregory IV (827-844), and there it has remained for nearly 1,200 years.
held an evening "cluster service" to celebrate All Saints day at Sr.
Principal battles: Todos los Santos (All Saints Day) (1631); the Downs (off Deal, Kent) (1639).
Hours before he mocked saints, he asked Filipinos in an All Saints Day statement: "Together, let us emulate our saints, pray for the eternal repose of souls and deepen our engagement with our communities as we work for real and lasting change.
Filipinos make their way to Manila's North Cemetery to pay homage to their departed loved ones in observance of All Saints Day Thursday, Nov.
The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) has deployed K-9 units at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 in preparation for the influx of passengers for this year's 'Undas' (All Saints Day and All Souls Day).