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Related to ASLIB: IFLA, SLA


n acronym for
Association for Information Management
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References in periodicals archive ?
"Variables for personal information management research", Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, Vol.
Since the ASlib dataset is public and was available to contestants before they submitted their system, the submissions were trained on 10 different bootstrap samples of a scenario and evaluated on the remaining data.
Aslib Training, The Holywell Centre, 1 Phipp St, London, EC2A 4PS
(8) Blake, M Internet access for older people Aslib proceedings 1998 50(10) 1998 pp308-15
Learning area network: information dissemination and online discussion in an education environment: the capabil-IT-y project, Aslib Proceedings, 53(3), 99107
(3.0) Kerr, M (200 1) Tips and Tricks for Website Managers, Aslib.
ASLIB Cranfield Research Project: Factors determining the performance of indexing systems.