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slang a stupid or ineffectual person
[C21: from the Internet error message '404 Not Found']
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Sections 302, 404 and 409 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act have wide ranging impact on insurance organizations in managing both their internal processes and the content that drives these processes.
This useful guide articulates significant technical issues and provides direction for managers--including CEOs, CFOs, internal auditors and other participants--on implementing section 404. You will find detailed information on relevant rules and other authoritative literature, such as SEC rules and external auditors' attestation standards; components, key characteristics and technology considerations of COSO's Internal Control-Integrated Framework; project planning considerations; documentation of internal control and tests of controls; and reporting on material weaknesses and significant deficiencies.
* Hans Gant, Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, 404.586.8456
In response, BTopenworld disputed that the ad implied a connection between "error 404" messages and the customers' choice of ISP or that customers could avoid such error messages by using the BTopenworld Anytime service.
Braves Museum & Hall of Fame/Turner Field Tours 755 Hank Aaron Drive Phone: (404) 614-2310 The museum is the starting point of Turner Field Tours, traces the team's history and features tons of memorabilia.
If EPA determines that a state has a sufficient state program to implement and enforce the federal 404 permitting program, then the program will be approved and the state will have exclusive authority to issue delegated federal dredge-and fill permits.
Excerpt from "Hot Docs Review: Children 404," by Jordan Adler, May 1, 2014 (thetf.ca/2014/05/01/hot-docsreview-children-404/): "Children 404 is a shocking film that begs to be seen.
Q: How would you describe Error 404? A: At root, the show is simply the story of a boy whose best friend dies, and who becomes friends with a robot as a sort of replacement.