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(Animals) another name for green woodpecker
[C18: imitative of its cry]
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References in periodicals archive ?
APINK and white striped cat called Bagpuss, musical mice and a woodpecker-shaped bookend called Professor Yaffle made their first appearance on the BBC in 1974.
I used to hear that cackled laugh - the 'yaffle' - that is the green woodpecker's signature frequently but now the great spotted variety is clearly prospering having ousted its larger cousin, which now is entirely absent from this airt.
WHAT type of bird is the yaffle? WHERE was Robert the Bruce crowned in 1306?
| facebook.com/PeacockNotts YAFFLE CAFE - DERBY Tucked away on a busy Derby street is the Yaffle Cafe, a 100% vegan goldmine.
PROF YAFFLE YOU'VE been enjoying doing your work experience but, after 30 years, it's now time to tell the boss he'll have to start paying you.
He started out in showbusiness as a ventriloquist in working mens clubs before turning professional at the Nottingham Empire in 1954 under the name Professor Yaffle Chucklebutty.
There mountain of cards amazing messages He started out in showbusiness as a ventriloquist, playing working men's clubs, before turning professional in 1954 as Professor Yaffle Chucklebutty at the Nottingham Empire.
He turned professional in 1954 under the name Professor Yaffle Chucklebutty, going on to become one of our comedy greats.
He turned professional in 1954 in the name Professor Yaffle Chucklebutty, going on to become one of Britain's comedy greats.
For example, the imaginary medic Dr Chuckabutty went on to become Rufus Chuckabutty of Knotty Ash University, while Ken, in his early days, billed himself as Professor Yaffle Chuckabutty, Operatic Tenor and Sausage Knotter.