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also wo·ful  (wō′fəl)
1. Affected by or full of woe; mournful: feeling woeful.
2. Causing, involving, or expressing woe: a woeful situation; woeful eyes.
3. Deplorably bad: woeful errors in judgment.

woe′ful·ly adv.
woe′ful·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.woefulness - intense mournfulness
mournfulness, ruthfulness, sorrowfulness - a state of gloomy sorrow
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
أسى، تَعاسَه، بُؤْس، حُزْن شَديد


(wəu) noun
(a cause of) grief or misery. He has many woes; He told a tale of woe.
ˈwoeful adjective
miserable; unhappy. a woeful expression.
ˈwoefully adverb
ˈwoefulness noun
ˈwoebegone (-bigon) adjective
sad-looking. a woebegone face.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Woefulness Many a disappointment has been cast in jest and the very last thing Rangers fans need is another 'so-what' signing so Buffel will be expected to hit the ground running.
And their lack of disappointment in its woefulness disturbing.
As for Star Wars - so woefulness was the Bears' display they would have been hard-pushed to contest a terrestrial bun fight let alone a key match which was crucial to preserving their Division One status in the National League.
Graham in all her colorations emerged that night--the complexity and simplicity of faith, its woefulness and ease.
Topics covered include Cameron Diaz's descending locks, the woefulness of Laura Elena Harring's $1m shoes and Jennifer Lopez's co-star, her hairdo.
There wasn't anybody to console or put me through the process to extricate possible future woefulness. I was wholly determined to make a mark in my family by utilising my wits to accomplish my dream of becoming a barrister.
Hence, junk food is trickily preferred to be addictive in nature that is why its regular consumers semblance woefulness and depression while trying to avoid them.The absolute reason of its extreme marketing value is actually due to its addictive nature.
Regarding depressive PD (Dep-PD), the theory of Millon proposes the existence of a pessimistic/melancholic personality profile characterized by despair, defenselessness, fatalism, feelings of uselessness, abandonment, asceticism, exhaustion, and woefulness (Millon, 2011).
In 44 years on this planet, I've never experienced such a standard of abject woefulness.
Anthony Martial took his equalising goal with elite-class aplomb, but was sucked into the whirlpool of woefulness.
Sunderland took full advantage and had they failed to do so, they'd have slumped to a new level of woefulness.