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1. informal a person who is given to making conceited, sardonic, or insolent comments
2. US a member of the Mafia
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A recent report on WiseGuy Reports (WGR) has provided a brief overview of the industry with an insightful explanation.
For much of his career, Robin Padilla has parlayed his street-smart, wiseguy screen image into a sustained popularity that has enabled him to survive a number of daunting personal and stellar reversals.
Based on the non-fiction book "Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family" by Nicholas Pileggi, the film follows Henry Hill, a former mafia who turned to the FBI as an informant.
I've no wish to leave low-paid workers out of pocket, or to mark my own card as an arrogant limey wiseguy, so I guess I'll have to dig deep.
Hardcore bowhunting calls for hardcore gear, and Spot-Hogg's Wiseguy ($109.99; www.
A wiseguy dice game that seduces Calogero's younger self (played with confident brio by Joshua Colley) is reimagined as "Roll 'Em," followed by the kid's exuberant "I Like It"; Sonny's philosophical take on life is now the calculating tune "Nicky Machiavelli"; and the mob boss's advice about women to his surrogate son--whom he dubs "C"--is a swinging "One of the Great Ones." Lorenzo is left with less flashy material, such as the sentimental bromides of "Look to Your Heart," which sets the moral compass but also makes this dad dull.
For more than 40 years New York wiseguy Gaspare "Gary" Valenti, a trusted side-kick of the real-life Jimmy, kept that omerta - the mafia's solemn code of silence and foiled the FBI.
And at last month's NYSCC Suppliers' Day, one industry wiseguy cheered my new look from two aisles away!
Present in almost every scene with a mammoth amount of dialogue, he never misses a beat, drawing us in to the world of a wiseguy who can see the stupidity of a conflict the world has itself caught up in.
It includes a small number of black and white photographs of people like Henry Hill, whose book Wiseguy was later turned into the 1990 film Goodfellas.
In some quarters the one-time wiseguy still has a price on his head, and Neil Jackson, the event's promoter, said careful discussions were held with the former gangster before arrangements were made.