wipe away

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.wipe away - remove by wipingwipe away - remove by wiping      
remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment"
deterge - wipe away; to wash off or out, cleanse; chiefly in medical use: to clear away foul matter from the body; "This drug is powerful enough to deterge"
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w>wipe away

vt sep (lit, fig)wegwischen; tears alsoabwischen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
Mr Allworthy had no sooner lifted up his eyes, and thanked Heaven for these hopes of his recovery, than Mr Blifil drew near, with a very dejected aspect, and having applied his handkerchief to his eye, either to wipe away his tears, or to do as Ovid somewhere expresses himself on another occasion
And immediately after this came the delicious, slow saunter, with his hand on the scythe, during which he could wipe away the streaming sweat, take deep breaths of air, and look about at the long string of mowers and at what was happening around in the forest and the country.
Agatha listened with respect, her eyes sometimes filled with tears, which she endeavoured to wipe away unperceived; but I generally found that her countenance and tone were more cheerful after having listened to the exhortations of her father.
Altisidora then, pretending to wipe away her tears with a handkerchief, made an obeisance to her master and mistress and quitted the room.
Mademoiselle Hennequin used me several times to wipe away tears, and it is strong proof how much both parties were thinking of other matters, that neither discovered who was present at so interesting a tete-a-tete.
Dip the side of a cotton bud into micellar water to wipe away any make-up residue in these small areas.
The Google easter egg has Thanos snap his fingers to wipe away search results, just like he wiped away half the population of the universe in a snap in Avengers: Infinity War.
[USA], Mar 12 (ANI):American singer Ariana Grande and rapper Tauheed Epps, better known as 2 Chainz are here to wipe away your Tuesday blues with their new song 'Rule The World'.
Andy's portrayal of ape leader Caesar helped wipe away the memory of Tim Burton's ill-fated reboot of the classic sci-fi series (2001).
Labour's Stephen Pound pretended to wipe away a tear.
One woman wept and Labour MP Stephen Pound pretended to wipe away a tear too.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The tears in my eyes I wipe away, But the pain in my heart is here to stay, So with aching heart I whisper low, God bless you dear, I miss you so.