wing beat

wing beat

1. (Zoology) a complete cycle of moving the wing by a bird when flying
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In one incident, the gang that forms part of hi informal security wing beat up a former MCA whom they accused of working with the governor's detractors.
It can glide and hover and its slow wing beat means it's virtually silent.The owl catches its prey by diving out of the sky and grasping it with its long talons.
"These flies normally flap their wings 200 times a second and, in almost a single wing beat, the animal can reorient its body to generate a force away from the threatening stimulus and then continues to accelerate," he said.
with each wing beat. Higher and higher, surpassing even
Since the moment he discovered painting, Marcus Thomas has lived the artist's life, transcending the limitations of his body, pushing beyond physical boundaries, and perfecting difficult techniques to capture profound and subtle images in color and light, from a hummingbird's wing beat to the ocean's heartbeat.
In addition, the reversing birds reduced the inclination of the plane of the wing beat so that it became more horizontal.
In the match held on Friday ISC Katchi Wing beat Wonderfull Trade by nine wickets.
I will combine these parameters to determine wing beats needed to move a given distance in space (horizontal distance flown or vertical depth swum), and decline in wing beat frequency or amplitude with distance (exhaustion), along with energy delivery rates to offspring at the colony, to determine two parameters; wing beats per distance flown and wing beats per depth swum.
Wing beat is a complex, elliptic movement that shows several variations among species, speed, and maneuvers.