wild blue yonder

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Noun1.wild blue yonder - the sky as viewed during daylightwild blue yonder - the sky as viewed during daylight; "he shot an arrow into the blue"
sky - the atmosphere and outer space as viewed from the earth
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Going outside your comfort zone and exploring the wild blue yonder? Ford's got your back with its Terrain Management System with built-in setting for Muds/Ruts, Sand, Grass/Gravel and Hill Control.
The Wild Blue Yonder and Beyond." The 95th Bomb Group in War and Peace.
Pilots signed up for various reasons, including better pay, an avenue out of unemployment and debt, the idea that fighting the Japanese was better than fighting the Germans and the lure of adventure and the wild blue yonder.
Flying is more than just hopping in your aircraft and taking off into the wild blue yonder.
He clinched the FIPRESCI Prize at the Venice Film Festival for his science-fiction film The Wild Blue Yonder (2005), was a 'Golden Lion' nominee for Scream of Stone (1991), and won the Filmcritica "Bastone Bianco" Award - Special Mention for Echoes from a Somber Empire in 1990.
"The Wild Blue Yonder" won Herzog the FIPRESCI (International Film Critics' guild) Prize at the 2005 Venice Film Festival.
Off I Went into the Wild Blue Yonder by John James Knudsen.
Family of fliers: Sue and Tim with son William, left, and on duty in Glasgow, right Into the wild blue yonder: Pilot Sue with her navigator Gareth Littlechild at start of their Tornado training in 1998
Of course, this being a supernatural thriller, the plot does spin out into the wild blue yonder that stretches believability but thanks to Moore, it remains grounded in a kind of plausible reality.
Each year we witness more and more of our leaders heading off into the wild blue yonder of retirement.
In the wild blue yonder are undulating ridges veiled by mist making what you can't see seem all that more mysterious and inviting...
It is framed in the Air Force hymn Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder.