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Adj.1.Wigless - not wearing a wigwigless - not wearing a wig      
wigged - wearing a wig; "the judges all wigged and robed"
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I arose with a shining pate, wigless ; she in disdain and wrath, half buried in alien hair.
What?" asked both princesses when they saw for a moment at the door Prince Andrew and the figure of the old man in a white dressing gown, spectacled and wigless, shouting in an angry voice.
His head and mine were both bending over the bald head of the wigless Duke.
A clue in public when appearing wigless is a cap pulled down to the ears to cover any bald patch.
The difference between the numbers of the different wigless species settled on the foliage observed in the present work, could be due to a phenomenon of competition.
'When people were wigless at the end ofI'd usually be thinking, "Who the hell was that?".'