wide of the mark

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Adj.1.wide of the mark - not on target; "the kick was wide"; "the arrow was wide of the mark"; "a claim that was wide of the truth"
inaccurate - not exact; "an inaccurate translation"; "the thermometer is inaccurate"
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References in classic literature ?
'What's the use of shooting wide of the mark, eh, old boy!' cried Hugh.
TEIRESIAS Thy words, O king, are wide of the mark, and I For fear lest I too trip like thee...
Thy reasoning is on a parity with thy fears, both have flown wide of the mark.
She spoke to the Red Queen, whose answer was a little wide of the mark. 'As to fishes,' she said, very slowly and solemnly, putting her mouth close to Alice's ear, 'her White Majesty knows a lovely riddle--all in poetry--all about fishes.
Cassandra would have liked to feel certain that, when Katharine made no reply at all or one wide of the mark, she was making up her mind to get married at once, but it was difficult, if this were so, to account for some remarks that Katharine let fall about the future.
Examiner Sport understands the link to Town is tenuous at best and more than likely wide of the mark.
FCA CEO Andrew Bailey said that the claim by the European Banking Authority (EBA) was 'considerably wide of the mark.'
She is a social worker at a Merseyside council, but the ECHO understands suggestions circulating locally that the woman knew her attacker are wide of the mark.
Had a scoring chance in the dying stages with a right-footed shot from outside the box but put it wide of the mark.
Having backed the grey Yes Tom earlier in the week at 33/1 and 40/1 it would be fair to say I was disappointed that the dry weather forecast I read on Monday turned out to be well wide of the mark.
Although they appear wide of the mark, fans can console themselves with this 20th anniversary edition of the album that started it all - Definitely Maybe.
JOEY Essex was a bit wide of the mark when given a jungle history test - getting the date of the end of The First World War wrong by 61 years.