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Verb1.whistlestop - tour the country in order to solicit votes for an election
campaign, run - run, stand, or compete for an office or a position; "Who's running for treasurer this year?"
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Only eight diners can sit inside Whistlestop on the Pier with 20 more outside - if the weather is good.
Whistlestop on the Pier, one of Wales' smallest cafes, was named the Traditional Restaurant of the Year in the Welsh Food Awards 2019.
Event mascot ToBi has been on a whistlestop tour taking in six schools.
GRAEME SHINNIE is set to sign a pre-contract at Derby after a whistlestop visit to Pride Park just days before the Scottish Cup semi-final.
A sighting of the legendary Sasquatch in the US leads to a madcap whistlestop journey by steamship, locomotive, stagecoach and elephant, from the Wild West to the fabled city of Shangri-la.
A sighting of the legendary Sasquatch in the US leads to a madcap whistlestop journey by steamship, locomotive, stagecoach and elephant, from the Wild West to the fabled city ride are Zoe Saldana and Zach Galifianakis, with wonderful support from Brits Emma Thompson and David Walliams.
Nick Offerman, best known for his role as Ron Swanson in popular US sitcom Parks and Recreation , will perform four nights of stand-up as part of his whistlestop tour of the UK.
Haasan, who has entered politics recently by floating the Makkal Needhi Maiyam (MNM), went on a whistlestop tour of a few hundred kms of Thanjavur and Nagapattinam districts and Vedaranyam town, which bore the brunt of Cyclone Gaja, on Thursday and described the situation there as "pitiable and abysmal".
Two history-mad bloggers are heading to as part of a nationwide whistlestop Robert the Bruce tour.
A WHISTLESTOP tour of five Teesside war memorials will honour the fallen from the First World War.
With knowing nods to the work of Alfred Hitchcock, a keen sense of paranoia underpins the hefty leading man performance, whistlestop storytelling and knucklecracking fistfights.
LIVERPOOL hosted the Queen's Baton Rally today with a whistlestop tour of the city ahead of next year's Commonwealth Games.