wet look

wet look

(Clothing & Fashion)
a. a shiny finish given to certain clothing and footwear materials, esp plastic and leather
b. (as modifier): a wet-look jacket.
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They should bring wellingtons, raincoats, neoprene, Gore-Tex, but also swimwear, T-shirts, AC (flash) DC, and wet look in their hair.
The video shows the model-singer slaying different poses in a sundry of outfits, ranging from a fierce and glamorous look in animal prints, to sexy and sultry in a barenaked wet look. She also posed like a rockstar with a mic.
The Egyptian beauty chose a wet look for her hair, and diamond earrings.
Solomon Colors Area Sales Manager Steve Johnston finished the job with multiple coats of Brickform's "wet look" Poly Seal.
The detail of the water ripples, the girl's wet clothing, and the wet look of her hair all make the artwork difficult to differentiate from a regular photograph.
The moisture from the shower seems to absorb into the paint, leaving a permanent wet look at the top of the walls.
Finish with a moisturising cream for a sleek, wet look and set in place with a strong holding hair spray.
Finish with a moisturising cream for a sleek, wet look. PRODUCTS Hair by Sam McKnight Easy-Up Do Texture Spray, PS25, and Hair by Sam McKnight Modern Hairspray, PS22, libertylondon.com.
WET LOOK Anastasia's snap of springer spaniel taking a dip
The 25-year-old designer who has previously dressed Lady Gaga also said that he likes the slimy, wet look of the jacket and added that that the amount of silicone used to cover the coat could produce about 300 to 400 condoms.
When hair is 50 per cent dry apply some wet look styling product like a pomade, gel or wax.