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(Plants) a gymnosperm plant, Welwitschia mirabilis, of the Namib Desert in SW Africa, consisting of two large woody leaves lying on the ground with a conelike structure arising between them: phylum Gnetophyta
[C19: named after F. M. J. Welwitsch (1807–72), Portuguese botanist, born in Austria]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.welwitschia - curious plant of arid regions of southwestern Africa having a yard-high and yard-wide trunk like a turnip with a deep taproot and two large persistent woody straplike leaves growing from the base; living relic of a flora long disappeared; some may be 700-5000 years old
gymnosperm - plants of the class Gymnospermae having seeds not enclosed in an ovary
genus Welwitchia, genus Welwitschia - type and sole genus of Welwitschiaceae
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References in periodicals archive ?
The weaner auction competitions are sponsored by Alexander Forbes Group Namibia, Bank Windhoek, Corporate Guarantee, First National Bank, Feedmaster, Feedpro, Merial, MTC, Old Mutual Namibia, Shell Namibia, Standard Bank Namibia and Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers.
Sponsors of the weaner auction competitions are Alexander Forbes, Bank Windhoek,Corporate Guarantee, Feedmaster, Merial, MTC, Old Mutual Namibia, Shell Namibia, Standard Bank Namibia, Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers.
Welwitschia has thin-walled axial parenchyma and thin-walled ray cells, both with simple pits (Carlquist and Gowans 1995).
The man was admitted to Welwitschia Private Hospital in Walvis Bay, where he underwent emergency surgery for his injuries. 
Being arid for 55 million years, nowhere in the world can one find "welwitschia mirabilis" - a shrub-like plant with two long leaves still growing to this day.
His other daughter, Welwitschia, herself a member of the central committee, complained publicly about the treatment of the family.
Look at that Welwitschia mirabilis, that Baobab tree, let them talk to you; listen to a TED talk about drought-tolerant crops.
Namibia, through the National Heritage Council, is busy working on another four sites, including Brandberg, the south of the Namib Desert, the Welwitschia plant and the Fish River Canyon, to be declared as world heritage monuments or sites.
parvifolium, AB022665.1), and WmMADS (71%, Welwitschia mirabilis, KC899694.1), indicating the gene we cloned is a member of MADS-gene family.
The 13,000-year-old, scraggly Palmer oak bush in the hills of Riverside, California, for instance, or the floppy-leaved, 2,000-year-old Welwitschia mirabilis in coastal Namibia, which looks like seaweed but is actually a primitive conifer.
The design of the new development is based on the structure of Welwitschia mirabilis, a plant that only grows in the Namibe desert and which is one of the symbols of the country.