wedding day

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: day - the day of a weddingwedding day - the day of a wedding      
day - a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance; "Mother's Day"
wedding night - the night after the wedding when bride and groom sleep together
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wedding day

ngiorno delle nozze or del matrimonio
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
The same happy result attended Miss Bella Wilfer on her wedding day, and Mr Riderhood inspecting Bradley Headstone's red neckerchief as he lay asleep.
Anne wakened on the morning of her wedding day to find the sunshine winking in at the window of the little porch gable and a September breeze frolicking with her curtains.
In spite of my riches I shall not, however, give up trade till I have amassed a capital of a hundred thousand drachmas, when, having become a man of much consideration, I shall request the hand of the grand-vizir's daughter, taking care to inform the worthy father that I have heard favourable reports of her beauty and wit, and that I will pay down on our wedding day 3 thousand gold pieces.
She could think of what she ought to wear on the wedding day; she could even try privately how her new signature, "Isabel Hardyman," would look when she had the right to use it.
I shall ask you to accept a little present from me, among the other offerings that are made to you before the wedding day.-- R.M."
On the wedding day, we may suppose that honest John Hull dressed himself in a plum-colored coat, all the buttons of which were made of pine-tree shillings.
Thank you all for my happy wedding day. Goodby, goodby!"
THEIR sister's wedding day arrived; and Jane and Elizabeth felt for her probably more than she felt for herself.
On her wedding day Dede had discovered a long dog-tooth violet by the zigzag trail above the redwood spring, and here she continued to plant more and more.
The wrestler-turned-film star posted two pictures of himself with Hashian on their wedding day against an idyllic backdrop in Hawaii, one of which saw them kissing in front of a sunset.
The little boy looking adoringly into his loving mum's face as they get ready for her wedding day takes pride of place in the wedding album.