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meteorological conditions: temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation; face or endure: I can weather the storm.
Not to be confused with:
whether – used to introduce the first of two or more alternative conditions: I haven’t decided whether to go or stay.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


1. The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.
a. Adverse or destructive atmospheric conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain: encountered weather five miles out to sea.
b. The unpleasant or destructive effects of such atmospheric conditions: protected the house from the weather.
3. weathers Changes of fortune: had known him in many weathers.
v. weath·ered, weath·er·ing, weath·ers
1. To expose to the action of the elements, as for drying, seasoning, or coloring.
2. To discolor, disintegrate, wear, or otherwise affect adversely by exposure.
3. To come through (something) safely; survive: weather a crisis.
4. To slope (a roof, for example) so as to shed water.
5. Nautical
a. To pass to windward of (a natural feature) despite adverse weather: weathered Cape Horn in a gale.
b. To gain an advantageous position upwind of (another vessel), as in a race or naval battle.
1. To show the effects, such as discoloration, of exposure to the elements: The walls of the barn had weathered.
2. To withstand the effects of weather: a house paint that weathers well.
1. Nautical Of or relating to the windward side of a ship; windward.
2. Relating to or used in weather forecasting: a weather plane.
Phrasal Verb:
weather in
To experience or cause to experience weather conditions that prevent movement: The squadron is weathered in because of dense fog. Such a storm will weather the fleet in.
make heavy weather of
To exaggerate the difficulty of something to be done.
under the weather
1. Somewhat indisposed; slightly ill.
2. Slang
a. Intoxicated; drunk.
b. Suffering from a hangover.

[Middle English weder, wether, from Old English weder; see wē- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Physical Geography)
a. the day-to-day meteorological conditions, esp temperature, cloudiness, and rainfall, affecting a specific place. Compare climate1
b. (modifier) relating to the forecasting of weather: a weather ship.
2. a prevailing state or condition
3. (Nautical Terms) (of a vessel) to roll and pitch in heavy seas
4. (foll by of) to carry out with great difficulty or unnecessarily great effort
5. under the weather informal
a. not in good health
b. intoxicated
(Nautical Terms) (prenominal) on or at the side or part towards the wind; windward: the weather anchor. Compare lee4
6. (Physical Geography) to expose or be exposed to the action of the weather
7. (Physical Geography) to undergo or cause to undergo changes, such as discoloration, due to the action of the weather
8. (Physical Geography) (intr) to withstand the action of the weather
9. (when: intr, foll by through) to endure (a crisis, danger, etc)
10. (Architecture) (tr) to slope (a surface, such as a roof, sill, etc) so as to throw rainwater clear
11. (Nautical Terms) (tr) to sail to the windward of: to weather a point.
[Old English weder; related to Old Saxon wedar, Old High German wetar, Old Norse vethr]
ˈweatherer n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈwɛð ər)

1. the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc.
2. a strong wind or storm, or strong winds and storms collectively.
3. a report on the weather broadcast on radio or television.
4. Usu., weathers. changes or vicissitudes in one's lot or fortunes: a good friend in all weathers.
5. to dry, season, or otherwise affect by exposure to the air or atmosphere.
6. to discolor, disintegrate, or affect injuriously, as by the effects of weather.
7. to bear up against and come safely through (a storm, danger, trouble, etc.).
8. (of a ship, mariner, etc.) to pass or sail to the windward of: to weather a cape.
9. to cause (a roof, sill, etc.) to slope, so as to shed water.
10. to undergo change, esp. discoloration or disintegration, as the result of exposure to atmospheric conditions.
11. to endure or resist exposure to the weather.
12. to go or come safely. (usu. fol. by through).
under the weather,
a. ill.
b. drunk.
[before 900; Middle English (n.), Old English weder, c. Old High German wetar, Old Norse vethr]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


The state of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. Weather is described by variable conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind velocity, precipitation, and barometric pressure.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the study of atmospheric conditions. Also aerography. — aerographer, n.
1. Obsolete. the branch of meteorology that observed the atmosphere by using balloons, airplanes, etc.
2. meteorology. — aerologist, n.aerologic, aerological, adj.
1. the art or science of divination by means of the air or winds.
2. Humorous weather forecasting.
a barometer which automatically records, on a rotating cylinder, any variation in atmospheric pressure; a self-recording aneroid.
the branch of science that deals with the barometer.
the art or science of barometric observation.
an abnormal fear or dislike of snow.
the science that studies climate or climatic conditions. — climatologist, n.climatologic, climatological, adj.
an abnormal fear of ice or frost.
the meeting of two masses of air, each with a different meteorological composition, thus forming a front, sometimes resulting in rain, snow, etc.
the process by which a meteorological front is destroyed, as by mixture or deflection of the frontal air.
an abnormal fear of fog.
Rare. the branch of meteorology that studies rainfall. — hyetologist, n.hyetological, adj.
an abnormal dislike or fear of rain.
a graph that shows the relationship between temperature and either humidity or precipitation.
Obsolete. 1. the process of moistening with dew.
2. the condition of being bedewed.
the study of weather and its changes, especially with the aim of predicting it accurately. — meteorologist, n.meteorologie, meteorological, adj.
a barograph for recording small fluctuations of atmospheric pressure.
the scientific study of clouds. — nephologist, n.
the branch of meteorology that studies rain. — ombrological, n.
the branch of meteorology that automatically measures rainf all and snowfall. — pluviographic, pluviographical, adj.
the branch of meteorology concerned with the measurement of rainf all. — pluviometric, pluviometrical, adj.
an instrument for measuring rainfall; a rain gauge.
raininess. — pluvious, adj.
the recording of meteorological conditions at a distance, as in the use of sensing devices at various points that transmit their data to a central office. — telemeteorographic, n.
the measurement of rainfall with any of various types of rain gauges. — udometric, adj.
a self-registering rain gauge.
an instrument used for comparing barometers at varying pressures against a Standard barometer.
Informal. meteorology, especially weather forecasts for radio or television.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. The chilly, drizzly June day smelled like a basement —Marge Piercy
  2. The elements are but as qualities that change forever, like all things that have known generation —Dame Edith Sitwell
  3. Frost made the sunny air seem like a bright keen knife —Howard Spring
  4. Humidity … dropped down over the city like a damp serge cloak —Carlos Baker
  5. The humidity … slapped me in the face like a mugger’s glove —Loren D. Estleman
  6. Rain and thaw took its [snow’s] place, and now the world looks about as pleasing as a wet cat —John Wainwright
  7. The storm crashes like god-wars —Hayden Carruth
  8. The [hot] weather clings, like a low fever you cannot shake off —Angela Carter
  9. Weather … cool and gray as wash water —George Garrett
  10. Weather in towns is like a skylark in a counting-house, out of place and in the way —Jerome K. Jerome
  11. The weather was like a waiter with a tray —Wallace Stevens
  12. The whine of wind and rattle of rain and the thunder rolling terribly loud and near overhead like a thousand beer trucks roaring over the bridge —John Dos Passos
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



dog days The most oppressively hot, uncomfortable, and unhealthy time of the year; the height of summer, usually calculated to be from about July 3 to August 11. These are supposedly the days when Sirius, the Dog Star, rises at the same time as the sun. The name dog days (Latin dies caniculares) derives from the ancient belief that the customary sultriness and un-wholesomeness of this season were due to the influence of the Dog Star. The origin of the name has also long been associated with the popular superstition that during this particular time of the year dogs were most apt to go mad. The term has been in use since the early 16th century.

gully washer A very heavy rainstorm, a downpour. This American colloquialism, particularly common in the Texas-Oklahoma area, was obviously coined because of the swirling rush of water through gullies during such storms. An especially violent gully washer is sometimes jocularly called a gully whomper. The expression has been figuratively extended to include a great onrush or outpouring of anything.

The drouth of senatorial candidates in Johnston county will be broken with a “gulley washer” here this week. (The Capital-Democrat [Tishomingo, Okla.], June, 1948)

halcyon days See PEACE.

Hulda is making her bed An expression denoting a snowfall. In ancient German mythology Hulda is the goddess of marriage and fertility. Although this expression is of unknown origin, it is reasonable to conjecture that Hulda had a feather bed which she prepared for the delights of newlyweds and from which some plumes periodically escaped to fall to the earth as snow.

Indian summer A brief respite in the late autumn of North America, characterized by hazy, balmy weather. This expression is thought to have originated in New England, where the Indians took advantage of the unseasonably warm spell to make their final winter preparations. The term is used frequently in the northern United States and Canada, where this short reappearance of summer regularly occurs each fall.

Meanwhile the Indian summer continued warm and dusty on the trodden earth of the farmyard. (J. Rae, Custard Boys, 1960)

Like other terms denoting time of year or day, Indian summer is often analogously applied to one’s life, indicating a period of renewed vigor or health amidst a stage of general decline.

The works of his Indian Summer when, in the last five years of his life, inspiration came to him once more. (N. Del Mar, Richard Strauss, 1962)

Mother Carey is plucking her chickens Sailors’ slang for falling snow. In this expression, Mother Carey is derived from the Latin mater cara ‘mother dear,’ apparently a reference to the Virgin Mary. Mother Carey’s chickens is a sailor’s appellation for stormy petrels, friendly birds which warn sea voyagers of upcoming inclement weather. Thus, the expression likens fluffy, falling snow to small tufts of white feathers.

Queen’s weather Ideal weather conditions; magnificent weather occurring on a day set aside for a festival, picnic, or other outdoor activity. This expression originated from the disproportionate number of fine days which coincided with Queen Victoria’s public appearances.

Although the wind is rather high, Queen’s weather prevails. (Johannesburg Star, April, 1899)

rain cats and dogs To pour, to come down in torrents, to teem. This common but puzzling expression has appeared in the writing of such varied authors as Swift, Shelley, and Thackeray. The most repeated explanation relates it to the storm god Odin, often pictured with cat and dog who according to Norse mythology influenced the weather. More plausible but equally un-definitive is the theory suggesting a derivation from an obsolete French word catadoupe ‘waterfall,’ itself related to an actual waterfall of the Nile in Ethiopia.

rain pitchforks To rain hard and piercingly; to rain straight downwards, so that the rainfall appears discernible as separate streaks of water. This primarily U.S. colloquial expression, probably coined by New England farmers, sees infrequent usage today, perhaps because the implement conveying the image is no longer part of most people’s immediate experience.

I’ll be even with you, if it rains pitchforks—tines downwards. (David Humphreys, The Yankey in England, 1815)

three-dog night A bitterly cold night. This expression is derived from the Eskimos, who purportedly measure the cold by determining how many dogs are necessary to keep them warm during the night. Thus, a night which requires the warmth of three dogs is a frigid night indeed. Even though the temperatures in the temperate climate of the United States do not plunge nearly as low as they do in polar regions, the expression has nonetheless become a popular American colloquialism for the coldest winter nights.

weather-breeder A day of unseasonably or otherwise exceptionally magnificent weather, formerly thought to be a harbinger of an approaching storm; a daylong respite in a period of inclement weather. This expression originated in England, where the weather is predominately dank and overcast. It can thus be assumed that, since such fine days were almost invariably followed by foul weather, the English folk saw a weather-breeder as a bad omen.

Look at a very fair day, as that which may prove a weather-breeder, and usher in a storm. (John Arrowsmith, A Chain of Principles, 1659)

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'weather'

If you are talking about the weather, you are saying, for example, that it is raining, cloudy, sunny, hot, or cold.

The weather was good for the time of year.
The trip was cancelled because of bad weather conditions.

Be Careful!
Weather is an uncountable noun. Don't use 'a' with it. Don't say, for example, 'We are expecting a bad weather'. Say 'We are expecting bad weather'.

They completed the climb despite appalling weather.
The wedding took place in perfect May weather.

Don't tell someone what the weather is like by saying, for example, 'It's lovely weather'. Say 'The weather is lovely'.

The weather was awful. It hardly ever stopped raining.
2. 'whether'

Do not confuse weather with whether. You use whether when you are talking about two or more alternatives.

I don't know whether to go out or stay at home.
She asked whether I wanted more coffee.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: weathered
Gerund: weathering

I weather
you weather
he/she/it weathers
we weather
you weather
they weather
I weathered
you weathered
he/she/it weathered
we weathered
you weathered
they weathered
Present Continuous
I am weathering
you are weathering
he/she/it is weathering
we are weathering
you are weathering
they are weathering
Present Perfect
I have weathered
you have weathered
he/she/it has weathered
we have weathered
you have weathered
they have weathered
Past Continuous
I was weathering
you were weathering
he/she/it was weathering
we were weathering
you were weathering
they were weathering
Past Perfect
I had weathered
you had weathered
he/she/it had weathered
we had weathered
you had weathered
they had weathered
I will weather
you will weather
he/she/it will weather
we will weather
you will weather
they will weather
Future Perfect
I will have weathered
you will have weathered
he/she/it will have weathered
we will have weathered
you will have weathered
they will have weathered
Future Continuous
I will be weathering
you will be weathering
he/she/it will be weathering
we will be weathering
you will be weathering
they will be weathering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been weathering
you have been weathering
he/she/it has been weathering
we have been weathering
you have been weathering
they have been weathering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been weathering
you will have been weathering
he/she/it will have been weathering
we will have been weathering
you will have been weathering
they will have been weathering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been weathering
you had been weathering
he/she/it had been weathering
we had been weathering
you had been weathering
they had been weathering
I would weather
you would weather
he/she/it would weather
we would weather
you would weather
they would weather
Past Conditional
I would have weathered
you would have weathered
he/she/it would have weathered
we would have weathered
you would have weathered
they would have weathered
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - the atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitationweather - the atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation; "they were hoping for good weather"; "every day we have weather conditions and yesterday was no exception"; "the conditions were too rainy for playing in the snow"
meteorology - the earth science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere (especially weather)
atmospheric phenomenon - a physical phenomenon associated with the atmosphere
cold weather - a period of unusually cold weather
fair weather, temperateness, sunshine - moderate weather; suitable for outdoor activities
hot weather - a period of unusually high temperatures
thaw, thawing, warming - warm weather following a freeze; snow and ice melt; "they welcomed the spring thaw"
downfall, precipitation - the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)
wave - a persistent and widespread unusual weather condition (especially of unusual temperatures); "a heat wave"
elements - violent or severe weather (viewed as caused by the action of the four elements); "they felt the full fury of the elements"
air current, current of air, wind - air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure; "trees bent under the fierce winds"; "when there is no wind, row"; "the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere"
atmospheric state, atmosphere - the weather or climate at some place; "the atmosphere was thick with fog"
good weather - weather suitable for outdoor activities
bad weather, inclemency, inclementness - weather unsuitable for outdoor activities - face and withstand with courageweather - face and withstand with courage; "She braved the elements"
defy, withstand, hold up, hold - resist or confront with resistance; "The politician defied public opinion"; "The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear"; "The bridge held" - cause to slope
lean, tilt, angle, slant, tip - to incline or bend from a vertical position; "She leaned over the banister" - sail to the windward ofweather - sail to the windward of    
navigation, pilotage, piloting - the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place
sail - travel on water propelled by wind; "I love sailing, especially on the open sea"; "the ship sails on" - change under the action or influence of the weatherweather - change under the action or influence of the weather; "A weathered old hut"
decay, dilapidate, crumble - fall into decay or ruin; "The unoccupied house started to decay" - towards the side exposed to windweather - towards the side exposed to wind  
windward - on the side exposed to the wind; "the windward islands"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. toughen, season, worn, expose, harden The stones have been weathered by centuries of wind and rain.
2. withstand, stand, suffer, survive, overcome, resist, brave, endure, come through, get through, rise above, live through, ride out, make it through (informal), surmount, pull through, stick it out (informal), bear up against The company has weathered the recession.
withstand yield to, surrender to, give in to, succumb to
under the weather ill, unwell, poorly (informal), sick, rough (informal), crook (Austral. & N.Z. informal), ailing, not well, seedy (informal), below par, queasy, out of sorts, nauseous, off-colour (Brit.), indisposed, peaky, ropy (Brit. informal), wabbit (Scot. informal) I'm feeling a bit under the weather today.
"Summer has set in with its usual severity" [Samuel Taylor Coleridge]
"'Tis the hard grey weather"
"Breeds hard English men" [Charles Kingsley The Three Fishers]
"weather: the climate of an hour" [Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary]
"Red sky at night, shepherd's delight; red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning"
see regions of the atmosphere, types of cloud, winds


Weather descriptions  arctic, baking, balmy, bland, blistering, blustery, breezy, clammy, clear, clement, close, cloudy, cold, dirty, dreich (Scot.), drizzly, dry, dull, filthy, fine, foggy, foul, freezing (informal), fresh, hazy, hot, humid, icy, inclement, mild, misty, muggy, nippy, overcast, parky (informal), perishing (informal), rainy, raw, scorching (informal), showery, snowy, sticky, stormy, sultry, sunny, thundery, tropical, wet, windy, wintry
Weather phenomena  acid rain, ball lightning, breeze, cloud, cold snap, cyclone, drizzle, dust devil, dust storm, fog, freeze, gale, gust, haar (Scot.), hail, heatwave, hurricane, ice, lightning, mist, peasouper (chiefly Brit.), precipitation, pressure, rain, sandstorm, sheet lightning, shower, sleet, smirr (Scot.), snow, squall, storm, sunshine, tempest (literary), thaw, thunder, tidal wave, tornado, tsunami, typhoon, waterspout, whirlwind, wind, willy-willy (Austral.), zephyr
Meteorological terms  anticyclone, cold front, cyclone, depression, front, heat-island, isallobar, isobar, lee wave, occluded front, ridge, scud, synoptic chart, thermal, trough, virga, warm front
Gatherers of weather data  dropsonde, meteorograph, Meteorological Office or Met. Office, pilot balloon, radiosonde, weather ship, weather station, weatherman, weatherwoman
Measuring instruments 
Phenomenon measured
anemometerwind velocity
anemoscopewind direction
atmometerrate of water evaporation into atmosphere
barographatmospheric pressure
barometeratmospheric pressure
baroscopeatmospheric pressure
maximum-minimum thermometertemperature variation
nephoscopecloud velocity, altitude, and direction of movement
rain gaugerainfall and snowfall
rawinsondeatmospheric wind velocity
Stevenson's screentemperature
sunshine recorderhours of sunshine
weathercockwind direction
weather vanewind direction
wet-and-dry-bulb thermometerhumidity
wind gaugewind velocity
wind teewind direction
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


To exist in spite of adversity:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
طَقْسيَتأثَّر بالتَّقَلُّبات الجَويَّهيَصْمُد أمام التَّقَلُّبات الجَويَّه
vejrforvitreklare sig igennemluvtære
standa af sér, standastveîraveîur
atlaikytimeteorologėnugairintinuglūdintiorų pranešėja
izturētlaika-laikslaiks, laikapstākļi
vremevremenska napoved
havakurtulmakaşın makatlatmak
thời tiết


A. Ntiempo m
weather permittingsi el tiempo lo permite, si el tiempo no lo impide
in this weathercon el tiempo que hace, con este tiempo
it's very comfortable to wear in hot weatheres muy cómodo de llevar (puesto) cuando hace calor
what's the weather like?¿qué tiempo hace?
he has to go out in all weatherstiene que salir haga el tiempo que haga
it gets left outside in all weathersse deja siempre a la intemperie
to keep a weather eye on sthobservar algo con atención
to make heavy weather of sthcomplicar algo, hacer algo más difícil de lo que es
he only needed to change the bulb but he made such heavy weather of it¡sólo tenía que cambiar la bombilla pero lo complicó de una manera!
to be under the weather (= ill) → estar indispuesto, estar pachucho
1. [+ storm] → aguantar
we've weathered worse criticism than thishemos superado peores críticas que éstas, hemos hecho frente a peores críticas que éstas
to weather the stormcapear el temporal
2. (Geol) [+ rock] → erosionar; [+ wood] → curar; [+ skin, face] → curtir
the rocks had been weathered into fantastic shapeslas rocas tenían formas fantásticas debido a la erosión
3. (Naut) [+ cape] → doblar
C. VI [rocks] → erosionarse; [wood] → curarse; [skin, face] → curtirse
D. CPD [bureau, map, station, balloon] → meteorológico
weather conditions NPLestado m del tiempo
weather forecast Npronóstico m del tiempo, boletín m meteorológico
weather forecaster Nmeteorólogo/a m/f
weather girl Nmujer f del tiempo, meteoróloga f
weather report Nboletín m meteorológico
weather ship Nbarco m del servicio meteorológico
weather side N (Naut) → costado m de barlovento
weather strip Nburlete m
weather vane Nveleta f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


temps m
what's the weather like? → quel temps fait-il?
What was the weather like? → Quel temps faisait-il?
the weather was
The weather was lovely → Il a fait un temps magnifique.
The weather was good for the time of year → Il faisait beau pour cette période de l'année.
under the weather (= ill) → mal fichu(e)
to be weathered [rock, soil] → être usé(e) par les éléments
[+ crisis, recession] → survivre à
vise patiner
Unpainted wooden furniture weathers to a grey colour → Les meubles en bois non peint prennent une patine [ˈwɛðərbiːtən] adj
(= tanned, rugged) [person] → au visage tanné; [face] → tanné(e)
(= worn) [stone] → érodé(e)Weather Bureau (US) Weather Centre (British) nOffice m national de la météorologieweather chart ncarte f du tempsweather cock ngirouette f
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nWetter nt; (in weather reports) → Wetterlage f; (= climate)Witterung f; in cold/wet/this weatherbei kaltem/nassem/diesem Wetter; what’s the weather like?wie ist das Wetter?; lovely weather for ducks!bei dem Wetter schwimmt man ja fast weg!; in all weathersbei jedem Wetter, bei jeder Witterung (geh); to be or feel under the weather (inf)angeschlagen sein (inf); to make heavy weather of something (Brit inf) → sich mit etw fürchterlich anstellen (inf); to keep a weather eye open (inf)Ausschau halten (for nach)
(storms, winds etc) → angreifen; skingerben; the rock had been weatheredder Fels war verwittert
(= expose to weather) woodablagern
(= survive: also weather out) crisis, awkward situationüberstehen; to weather (out) the storm (lit, fig)den Sturm überstehen
vi (rock etc)verwittern; (paint etc)verblassen; (= resist exposure to weather)wetterfest sein; (= become seasoned: wood) → ablagern


weather balloon
n (Met) → Wetterballon m, → Versuchsballon m
adj facevom Wetter gegerbt; house, wood, stoneverwittert; skinwettergegerbt
n, weatherboards
plSchindeln pl
adj boataufgrund or auf Grund der schlechten Wetterverhältnisse manövrierunfähig
weather bureau
nWetteramt nt
n (US) → Wettervorhersage f
n (US) → Wetteransager(in) m(f)
weather chart
nWetterkarte f
nWetterhahn m
weather conditions
plWetterverhältnisse pl, → Witterungsverhältnisse pl


weather eye
n to keep a weather on something (fig)etw scharf im Auge behalten; to keep one’s weather open (fig)gut aufpassen
weather forecast
weather girl
nWetterfrau f (inf), → Wetterfee f (inf)
nWetterglas nt, → Barometer nt


nWettermann m (inf)
weather map
nWetterkarte f
weather outlook
weather report
weather service
nWetterdienst m
weather ship
nWetterschiff nt
weather station
nWetterwarte f
n (on door, window) → Dichtungsstreifen mor -leiste f
weather vane
nWetterfahne f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. ntempo
in this weather → con questo tempo
what's the weather like? → che tempo fa?
it gets left outside in all weathers → rimane fuori con qualsiasi tempo
to be under the weather (fig) (ill) → sentirsi poco bene
to make heavy weather of sth → far sembrare qc più difficile di quello che sia
2. vt
a. (wood) → stagionare
b. to weather the storm (ship) → resistere alla tempesta (fig) → superare le difficoltà
3. vi (rocks) → logorarsi; (wood) → stagionare
4. adj (bureau, ship, chart, station) → meteorologico/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈweθə) noun
conditions in the atmosphere, especially as regards heat or cold, wind, rain, snow etc. The weather is too hot for me; stormy weather; (also adjective) a weather chart/report, the weather forecast.
1. to affect or be affected by exposure to the air, resulting in drying, change of colour, shape etc. The wind and sea have weathered the rocks quite smooth.
2. to survive safely. The ship weathered the storm although she was badly damaged.
ˈweatherbeaten adjective
showing effects of exposure to the weather. a weatherbeaten face.
ˈweathercock, ˈweathervane nouns
a piece of metal (often in the form of a farmyard cock), placed on top of a building, which turns to show the direction of the wind.
weatherperson noun
(also weather forecaster; ~weatherman; ~weathergirl) a person who gives weather forecast on television or radio.
make heavy weather of
to find it very (often unnecessarily) difficult to do (something). She's making heavy weather of typing that letter.
under the weather
in poor health. I'm feeling under the weather this week.

weather refers to climate: fine weather .
whether is a conjunction: Do you know whether he is coming?
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


طَقْس počasí vejr Wetter καιρός tiempo sää temps vrijeme tempo 天気 날씨 weer vær pogoda tempo погода väder อากาศ hava thời tiết 天气
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. [climate] tiempo;
___ forecastingpronóstico del ___.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n tiempo; under the — (fam) (un poco) enfermo
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Durham's Dean Maynard co-produced the film alongside script-writer Dan Weatherer, while Mark Mooney directed.
Weatherer of many seasons He cracks thunder's code Knowing full well when the water we drink Swells rapidly into the flood which consumes us Those who live by the sea, he said, must Learn vital lessons from the ambiguity of water (92) By the end of the section, in "What Mother Said" (95), Osundare embraces this "ambiguity of water," these complexities of its character, its insinuation into human life, for better or worse, and has paid homage to the god whose namesake he is.
Mr Morgan joined JW Hinks in 1999 from Sutton Coldfield firm Weatherer Bailey Bragg.