weaker sex

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weaker sex

(Sociology) the female sex
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Now, the ladies being together under these circumstances, it was extremely natural that the discourse should turn upon the propensity of mankind to tyrannize over the weaker sex, and the duty that developed upon the weaker sex to resist that tyranny and assert their rights and dignity.
Arrangements had been made for their comfort, with a prodigality and care that had not failed to excite some surprise in his young men, but in no other particular did he shock their manly pride, by betraying any solicitude in behalf of the weaker sex.
It was rather hard on Maggie that Tom always absconded without letting her into the secret, but the weaker sex are acknowledged to be serious impedimenta in cases of flight.
Humor her -- make a manly concession to the weaker sex. If Mrs.
Women have been described as the 'weaker sex.' This does not mean weaker in intelligence, but in strength.
And I am the weaker sex? You are?" Her comments were prompted by the Duchess of Cambridge posing for snaps hours after having Princess Charlotte.
Women in the history has been considered as the weaker sex because we made her work this way.
I'm surprised it wasn't 100% - we are more vulnerable because we are the physically weaker sex, and because, as we know, men commit the vast majority of violent crime.
In the essay she wrote called "(https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/oct/05/gemma-arterton-keira-knightley-feminists-dont-wear-pink) The Weaker Sex ," the "Love Actually" star called out to Middleton and other moms who just gave birth.
Writing an essay called The Weaker Sex, Keira hit out at the impossible standard portrayed by "perfect" Kate, as the Duchess of Cambridge, 36, stepped outside the hospital fully groomed, just hours after giving birth to each of her three children.
How could we expect the weaker sex to open up their secrets and get ridiculed for it?