water splash

water splash

(Automotive Engineering) a place where a stream runs over a road
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The water splashed into the basin, the music came throbbing in through the flower-hung doorways.
A five-inch stream of sparkling water splashed into the shallow main ditch of his irrigation system and flowed away across the orchard through many laterals.
Well, while things stood thus, suddenly the HISPANIOLA struck, staggered, ground for an instant in the sand, and then, swift as a blow, canted over to the port side till the deck stood at an angle of forty-five degrees and about a puncheon of water splashed into the scupper holes and lay, in a pool, between the deck and bulwark.
The drops of water splashed up to the green leafy roof, and the clerk thought of the million of ephemera which in a single drop were thrown up to a height, that was as great doubtless for their size, as for us if we were to be hurled above the clouds.
The rain matted his long white hair into ropes; the water splashed beneath his bare feet, and his yellow robe clung to his frail old body, but he stepped down steadily, leaning against the barasingh.
SPLASHING STUFF IF WE'RE being sensible about La Femme Prada Water Splash then, at 150ml, it's too big for hand luggage and, at PS87, it's probably something we should resist.
The wiper broke in the first two kilometres of the first stage this morning in a water splash. I could not see anything.
Deckchairs and beach huts are provided as well as a free water splash area.
Get drenched in the water splash party at the hotel's pool area equipped with your own Songkran Splash kit.
Jam butty pud Ingredients 4 slices white bread Jar of strawberry jam Unsalted butter Self raising flour Caster sugar For the batter 110g self raising flour 150ml soda water Splash of malt vinegar Method 1.
A play road meanders around the climbing frame and at the bottom of the slide a water splash cleverly indicates the landing area.