water bailiff

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water bailiff

(Angling) an official responsible for enforcing laws on river management and fishing
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A water bailiff witnessed the 30-year-old fishing with three rods which were all hooked and baited, Kirklees Magistrates' Court heard.
Kenny Galt, James Hunt from the Tweed Foundation and Tommy Heard Water Bailiff for the river Tweed Commission take Salmon from the river Ettrick to be tagged
Piloted by Mr Bird, the town's esteemed senior water bailiff, this was the first of a seemingly never-ending fleet floating down over the years.
It was her husband who told the water bailiff, and she stayed anonymous in the newspaper report," Shine told the BBC.
When approached by a water bailiff in August, he threw his equipment into the river.
The 25-year-old was collared by a water bailiff at Foxpond Lakes at Birtley, Gateshead, on May 1.
Dad-of-two Robb, who works as a water bailiff on the River Nairn and a gamekeeper, should learn his fate after being examined by a specialist on December 2.
Almost a year after the encounter with the water bailiff, the incident appeared on an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check.
Part-time water bailiff James Delaney, 52, who was at the nearby cottage, said: "We dragged him clear of the water and started CPR but there was no response.
VULCAN RESERVOIR, Newton-le Willows Water bailiff Jonty Eden bucked the trend with a great mixed net of silver fish while with pole-fished worm.
The retired water bailiff, from Herefordshire, took anti-seasick pills before going on the West Wales trip.
"My older brother Dougie used to fish from his bedroom window to avoid getting nabbed by the water bailiff for not having a licence."