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(European Myth & Legend) obsolete a fabled man-shaped sea monster, supposed to attack ships
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References in periodicals archive ?
Wasserman begins by explaining why someone would write an entire book about a single rule in baseball, and why that someone would be a legal academic.
If he would've been stooped down any lower, he would be dead," said Wasserman, a partner at Silverman, Thompson, Slutkin & White, LLC in Baltimore.
According to a report published by the website dailycaller.com, former Democratic National Committee (DNC) head Debbie Wasserman Schultz intervened when the House Office of Inspector General for Cyber Security found that her former Pakistani IT aide Imran Awan had made an "unauthorized access" to House servers, including the House Democratic Caucus' shortly before the 2016 presidential election.
Cyngient, whose name is derived from the word "synergy," brings together managing partners Andrew Wasserman and John Dreyer Jr., as wel as John's father John Dreyer Sr., the former president and CEO of Pitman Company.
WASHINGTON: Responding to the lawsuit filed by the Democratic Party, US President Donald Trump remarked that he will counter the lawsuit with the help of 'documents held by Pakistani mystery man', Clinton emails and Debbie Wasserman Schultz servers.In a tweet, the US President wrote: "Just heard the Campaign was sued by the Obstructionist Democrats.
Steve Wasserman , the VP and Division GM for The E.W.
Alaska Airlines will be the multi-year title sponsor of the iconic Bay to Breakers race, which will be renamed the Alaska Airlines Bay to Breakers race, Wasserman sports agency said.
"We're prepared for all of them now," said County Supervisor Sheldon Wasserman, who wrote the proposal setting up a permitting process that County Executive Chris Abele signed on Feb.
Wasserman --managing partner and co-founder of Los Angeles-based multi-family office business management firm of WG&S--with its Business Manager Elite Award at a breakfast on Oct.
Continue reading "Despite a Rough Year, Debbie Wasserman Schultz Wins Florida Primary" at...