waltz off with

Also found in: Idioms.

w>waltz off with

vi +prep obj (inf) prizesabziehen mit
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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And they'll only waltz off with more if they survive six weeks.
Despite Hearts' resurgence under Craig Levein seeing the Gorgie men unbeaten in their last seven matches, Stokes is convinced Hibs will waltz off with the bragging rights once again.
Len Goodman isn't impressed when Strictly dancers waltz off with their celeb partners off-screen.
Dec Donnelly, 37, said the BBC dance contest appealed because of the chance to waltz off with a new skill.
London, Oct.28 (ANI): Former England football star Paul Gascoigne is desperate to star in Strictly Come Dancing, and reckons he would waltz off with the title.
In any other year; "Enron" would waltz off with every available play award.
Here in Wales, we saw Take That's triumphant return to the Millennium Stadium, the unveiling of a new Doctor Who and a Russian soprano waltz off with the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World title.
WHO is going to waltz off with the impressive prize of pounds 50,000 and a contract with a professional dance company?
And, if the grumbles continue at Gigg Lane this afternoon, do not be surprised if WYCOMBE waltz off with the points to justify support at a whopping 11-4.
RYAN Thomas was tipped to waltz off with this year's Strictly Come Dancing crown but yesterday confirmed he won't be donning any sequins just yet.
RUMOURS abound that Strictly favourite Jay McGuiness may be about to waltz off with his dance partner Aliona Vilani.