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 (vŏl-kăn′ĭk, vôl-)
1. Of, resembling, or caused by a volcano or volcanoes: a volcanic peak; volcanic islands.
2. Produced by or discharged from a volcano: volcanic ash.
3. Characterized by the presence of volcanoes.
4. Powerfully explosive: a volcanic temper.

vol·can′i·cal·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.volcanically - by or like volcanoesvolcanically - by or like volcanoes; "volcanically created landscape"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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What had been the engrossing world had dissolved into an uninteresting outer dumb-show; while here, in this apparently dim and unimpassioned place, novelty had volcanically started up, as it had never, for him, started up elsewhere.
His vivid black eyes rolled volcanically, his bronzed face, handsome as it was, showed at that moment a combination of high cheekbones with set white teeth, which recalled certain American conjectures about his origin in the Southern plantations.
Like Io, which is the most volcanically active cosmic body in the Solar System, scientists theorized that the newly discovered exomoon may have flowing lava on its surface.
Jupiter's moon Io is the most volcanically active body in our solar system.
Its gravity torments its moon Io, creating the most volcanically active body in the solar system.
Its gravity torments its moon, Io, creating the most volcanically active body in the solar system.
French Onion Soup can stay volcanically hot for ages, meaning your dining companions who plumped for the oysters may regret not bringing along a crossword.
Japan is one of the world's most volcanically active nations, sitting on the fault line known as the 'Ring of Fire' which stretches around the edge of Pacific Ocean.
They used a radar system on the Selenological and Engineering Explorer (Selene) probe to discover the cave, which they believe is the remains of a lava tube from when the moon was volcanically active.