visual aids

Also found in: Medical.

visual aids

pl n
devices, such as films, slides, models, and blackboards, that display in visual form material to be understood or remembered
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Expert testimony is often complicated, and visual aids can help demonstrate and explain.
Offered as part of the supplier's Lifecycle Support Services, the smart glasses enable technicians to receive visual aids like schematics and marked-up images to supplement verbal input, while leaving hands free for safer, more efficient work.
Summary: Counselors provided visual aids and presentation to teach students various situations on how to avoid being abused.
We also used human blood rather than artificial blood or its equivalent in our OSCEs and visual aids.
A number of visual aids are also available to help patients, as well as local support groups and charities, which see like-minded patients coming together to share solutions to enable them to live well with the condition.
Teaching with visual aids keeping students motivated and actively engaged in their classes can be a challenging task.
For its airfield ground lighting (AGL) requirements, the new Istanbul Airport has appointed ADB SAFEGATE to conduct an AGL design review and install its LED ground lighting and visual aids. Yusuf Akgayoglu, CEO, IGA Airports Construction, commented: "Once all phases are complete, the new airport will serve over 200 million passengers annually to more than 350 destinations.
One of the ways that doctors, nurses, and dentists can fight back against miscommunication and accidental ignorance is to use visual aids that are easy to understand and grab the attention of the patient.
In a study done by researchers from the Management Information Systems Research Center at the University of Minnesota and 3M Corp., presentations using visual aids were found to be about 43 percent more persuasive.
The instructional media is divided into three types: visual aids, hearing aids, and a combination of visual and hearing aids.
Low visual aids are useful in significant number of people.