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instances of boasting
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References in classic literature ?
The thought of it exists only in the frothy vaporings of cheap newspapers, and the sensational utterances of the catch politician who must find an audience and a hearing by any methods.
He was frighted even to the marrow, and was minded to give order for your instant enlargement, and that you be clothed in fine raiment and lodged as befitted one so great; but then came Merlin and spoiled all; for he persuaded the king that you are mad, and know not whereof you speak; and said your threat is but foolish- ness and idle vaporing. They disputed long, but in the end, Merlin, scoffing, said, 'Wherefore hath he not NAMED his brave calamity?
On the following morning, Captain Bonneville purchased a supply of buffalo meat from his braggadocio friends; who, with all their vaporing, were in fact a very forlorn horde, destitute of firearms, and of almost everything that constitutes riches in savage life.
Swearing is the safety-valve through which the bad temper that might otherwise do serious internal injury to his mental mechanism escapes in harmless vaporing. When a man has said: "Bless you, my dear, sweet sir.
No doubt there was plentiful vaporing, and cases of backsliding might occur.
Netanyahu is hedging Israel's bets on the United States, perhaps permanently, calculating that Moscow's strategy ultimately rests on Russian national interests, no matter what Washington's vaporings reflect.
Perhaps Dollard was one of the men Wolfe had in mind when he has George Webber (in You Can't Go Home Again) fret about being "no good," "just like most of the piddling instructors at the School for Utility Cultures." Webber, in fact, fears that his own manuscript is nothing but "the vaporings of a shoddy aesthete without talent" (16).
Despite the foolishly optimistic vaporings of President Obama and other politicos thrilled at the prospect of Washington running an automobile company ("A new beginning ...
Like other baseball magnates, he did not want to pursue "moth-eaten rumors" of a fix and referred to Hugh Fullerton's columns as "vaporings of an unsound mind" (243, 253).
In spite of the left-wing vaporings of the late Martin Seymour-Smith, which disfigure the introduction to my Penguin edition, it is by no means an anti-imperialist tract.
However, others argue that customary international law fails to provide any recognizable legal standards and is little more than "utopian vaporings." ROBERT H.
In doing so he grew ever more disenchanted with the vaporings of Thomas Jefferson--this would become a point of lifelong enmity between thern.