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Related to uropygial: Preen oil


 (yo͝or′ə-pī′jē-əm, -pĭj′ē-)
The posterior part of a bird's body, from which the tail feathers grow.

[New Latin ūropygium, from Greek ouropugion : ouro-, tail; see uro-2 + pugē, rump.]

u′ro·py′gi·al (-əl) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
During dissection, a small nick was inadvertently made in the deep, ventral aspect of the uropygial gland.
The practice of combating ectoparasites by exposing skin and feathers to intense ultraviolet light, while preening with uropygial gland oil, has been documented in violet-green swallows (Tachycineta thalassina; Blem and Blem 1993, 2000) and black noddies (Anous minutus; Moyer and Wagenbach, 1995) but never in raptors, to my knowledge.
The uropygial gland is an oilsecreting gland situated at the base of the tail of what type of creature?
The uropygial gland is an oil-secreting gland situated at the base of the tail of what type of creature?
Sharp, "Immunocytochemical localization of androgen receptor in the comb, uropygial gland, testis, and epididymis in the domestic chicken," General and Comparative Endocrinology, vol.
Washington, Oct 26 (ANI): A new study has revealed that flamingos apply natural make-up to their feathers to look good and attract mates.he study by the Juan Amat, from the Estacion Biologica de Donana Spain, and colleagues, it is the first study to demonstrate that birds transfer the color pigments (carotenoids) from the secretions of their uropygial gland for cosmetic reasons.
The SREBF1 was expressed preferentially in the liver and uropygial gland in chicken compared with other tissues examined, adipose tissue, lung, kidney, intestine, muscle, brain and testis (Assaf et al., 2003).
There has been research into the uropygial gland since the middle of the thirteenth century and ever since then, researchers have gathered information on its anatomy, histology, secretion chemistry, function, etc.
Some species have an uropygial gland located at the base of the tail.
Skin glands are almost entirely lacking in birds, but there is an oil gland known as the uropygial gland, which is located at the base of the tail.