

obsolete a drunken festivity
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Mum Lyndsay Dickson, 25, dreamed of giving her daughter some independence by helping her walk with the assistance of a special Upsee harness.
Last year Hope managed to put one foot in front of the other and feel what it is like to walk for the first time with the help of a device called an Upsee.
Last year little Hope managed to put one foot in front of the other and feel what it is like to walk for the first time with the help of a device called an Upsee.
Upsee, she added: d take part and it we never thought Talking about the Upsee, she added: "It was lovely he could take part and it was something that we never thought we would see.
Maura will take the Upsee - a child's harness which attaches to a person's belt and specially-engineered sandals - to Salou i Spain this summer so Jack can play with his family in the sun.
Generous nursery staff are hoping to raise the PS400 needed for an Upsee harness, which isn't available on the NHS, by organising a variety of sponsored events, including a bake sale and a sponsored walk.
And it was giggles all round when Hope used the Upsee for the first time - a device which allows her body and feet to be strapped to mum Michelle, allowing Hope to 'walk'.
And this Upsee will give her the chance to experience walking before she does it by herself.
And it was giggles all round when Hope used for the first time the 'Upsee' - a device which allows her body and feet to be strapped to mum Michelle, allowing Hope to 'walk.'.
But her friends at Hugh Smiley Nursery are determined to raise enough money to buy her an Upsee harness, so she can take her first steps and gain some independence of her own.
But her life is set to change after enough money was raised to buy the six-year-old a "Firefly Upsee", a type of harness that will allow the Cramlington schoolgirl to take her first few steps to independence.
The most controversial partof the shake upsees the vast majority of routes no longer running through the city centre and instead terminating at either Queens Square or Liverpool One, with a shuttle between.