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1. Higher in place, position, or rank: the upper bunk; the upper half of the class.
a. Situated on higher ground: upper regions.
b. Lying farther inland: the upper Nile.
c. Northern: the upper Midwest.
3. Upper Geology & Archaeology Of, relating to, or being a later division of the period named.
4. Denoting the smaller and usually less broadly representative house of a bicameral legislature.
1. The part of a shoe or boot above the sole.
2. Informal An upper berth.
3. uppers Informal The upper teeth or a set of upper dentures.
4. Slang
a. A drug, especially an amphetamine, used as a stimulant.
b. An exhilarating or euphoric experience.
on (one's) uppers Informal
Impoverished; destitute.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. higher or highest in relation to physical position, wealth, rank, status, etc
2. (Physical Geography) (capital when part of a name) lying farther upstream, inland, or farther north: the upper valley of the Loire.
3. (Geological Science) (capital when part of a name) geology archaeol denoting the late part or division of a period, system, formation, etc: Upper Palaeolithic.
4. (Archaeology) (capital when part of a name) geology archaeol denoting the late part or division of a period, system, formation, etc: Upper Palaeolithic.
5. (Mathematics) maths (of a limit or bound) greater than or equal to one or more numbers or variables
6. the higher of two objects, people, etc
7. (Clothing & Fashion) the part of a shoe above the sole, covering the upper surface of the foot
8. on one's uppers extremely poor; destitute
9. (Dentistry) informal any tooth of the upper jaw
10. (Recreational Drugs) slang Also called (esp US): up any of various drugs having a stimulant or euphoric effect. Compare downer
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈʌp ər)

1. higher, as in place, position, pitch, or in a scale: the upper stories of a house.
2. superior, as in rank, dignity, or station.
3. (of places) at a higher level, more northerly, or farther from the sea: upper New York State.
4. (often cap.) denoting a later division of a geologic period, system, or the like: the Upper Devonian.
5. the part of a shoe or boot above the sole, comprising the quarter, vamp, counter, and lining.
6. an upper berth.
7. Usu., uppers.
a. an upper dental plate.
b. an upper tooth.
on one's uppers, Informal. poor; without means.
[1300–50; Middle English]


(ˈʌp ər)

n. Slang.
a stimulant drug, esp. an amphetamine.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.upper - the higher of two berths
built in bed, bunk, berth - a bed on a ship or train; usually in tiers
2.upper - piece of leather or synthetic material that forms the part of a shoe or boot above the sole that encases the foot; "Uppers come in many styles"
boot - footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg
piece of leather - a separate part consisting of leather
quarter - piece of leather that comprises the part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp
shoe - footwear shaped to fit the foot (below the ankle) with a flexible upper of leather or plastic and a sole and heel of heavier material
toe box - the forward tip of the upper of a shoe or boot that provides space and protection for the toes; "the toe box may be rounded or pointed"
vamp - piece of leather forming the front part of the upper of a shoe
3.upper - a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetiteupper - a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression
amphetamine sulfate, amphetamine sulphate - a sulfate derivative of amphetamine that is used as a stimulant for the central nervous system
bennie, Benzedrine - a form of amphetamine
Dexedrine, dextroamphetamine sulphate - an isomer of amphetamine (trade name Dexedrine) used as a central nervous system stimulant
drug of abuse, street drug - a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects); drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addiction
deoxyephedrine, meth, methamphetamine, methamphetamine hydrochloride, Methedrine, shabu, chicken feed, crank, chalk, trash, glass, ice - an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant
excitant, stimulant drug, stimulant - a drug that temporarily quickens some vital process
Adj.1.upper - the topmost one of two
top - situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf"
2.upper - higher in place or positionupper - higher in place or position; "the upper bunk"; "in the upper center of the picture"; "the upper stories"
high - (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high'); "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high"
3.upper - superior in rank or accomplishment; "the upper half of the class"
superior - of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. topmost, top There is a smart restaurant on the upper floor.
topmost lower, bottom
2. higher, high the muscles of the upper back and chest
higher low, lower
3. superior, senior, higher-level, greater, top, important, chief, most important, elevated, eminent, higher-ranking the upper echelons of the Army
superior low, lower, junior, inferior
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Being at a height or level above another:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أعْلى،عُلْويفَوْقِيّوَجْه الحِذاء
efri, hærri, æîriyfirleîur
aukštuomenėbato viršusesantis pačiame viršujepirmoje vietojeviršutinis
üstüst kısımsaya
cao hơn


1. (in level) [deck, floor] → de arriba; (more frm) → superior
the upper atmospherela atmósfera superior
the upper slopes of Illimanilas pendientes más altas del Illimani
see also hand A11
see also reach C2
see also stiff A3
2. (in importance, rank) [echelons, ranks, caste] → superior
upper managementlos altos cargos de la administración
3. (on scale) [limit] → máximo
properties at the upper end of the marketinmuebles de la sección más cara del mercado
people in the upper income bracketlas personas con un nivel de ingresos superior
4. (in Geog names) → alto
the Upper Nileel alto Nilo
B. N
1. uppers [of shoe] → pala fsing
to be (down) on one's uppersestar en las últimas or (Sp) sin un duro
2. (= drug) → anfeta f
3. (Dentistry) → dentadura f postiza (superior)
4. (US) (Rail) → litera f de arriba
C. CPD upper arm Nbrazo m superior
upper case N (Typ) → mayúsculas fpl
in upper caseen mayúsculas
upper chamber N (Pol) → cámara f alta
the upper circle N (Theat) → la galería superior
upper class N the upper classesla(s) clase(s) alta(s)
the upper crust Nla flor y nata
Upper Egypt Nalto Egipto m
upper house N (Pol) → cámara f alta
upper lip Nlabio m superior
upper school Ncursos mpl superiores; (in names) → instituto m de enseñanza media
Upper Volta Nalto Volta m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(in position) [floor, storey, part, rung] → supérieur(e); [deck, jaw] → supérieur(e)
the upper slopes → les pistes les plus hautes (d'une station de ski)
the upper back → le haut du dos
the upper arm → le bras (partie supérieure du membre)
the upper body → la partie supérieure du corps
on the upper floor → à l'étage supérieur
(in scale) [limit, end] → supérieur(e)
Temperatures were in the upper thirties
BUT La température dépassait les trente degrés.
[shoe] → dessus m, empeigne f
(= drug) → amphé f upper atmosphere n
the upper atmosphere → les couches fpl supérieures de l'atmosphèreupper case nmajuscule f, capitale f
in upper case → en majuscules, en capitalesupper-case upper case [ˌˈʌpərˈkeɪs] adj
upper-case letter → lettre f majuscule, lettre f capitaleupper class n
the upper class → la haute sociétéupper-class [ˌˈʌpərˈklɑːs] adj [family] → de la haute société; [district, area] → huppé(e); [accent, attitude] → caractéristique des classes supérieuresupper crust n
the upper crust → la haute , les aristos mpl upper-crust [ˌˈʌpərˈkrʌst] adjaristo
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


obere(r, s); (Anat, Geog) → Ober-; temperatures in the upper thirtiesTemperaturen hoch in den dreißig; upper armOberarm m; upper lipOberlippe f; upper bodyOberkörper m; the upper reaches of the Thamesder Oberlauf der Themse; the upper Loiredie obere Loire; Upper RhineOberrhein m
(in importance, rank) → höhere(r, s), obere(r, s); the upper ranks of the Civil Servicedas gehobene Beamtentum; in the upper income bracketin der oberen Einkommensklasse; the upper middle class(es)die gehobene Mittelschicht ? hand 1 j
uppers pl (of shoe)Obermaterial nt; to be on one’s uppers (= destitute)auf den Hund gekommen sein
(inf: = drug) → Aufputschmittel nt, → Muntermacher m (inf)
(US Rail) → oberes Bett (im Schlafwagen)


upper brain
n (Anat) → Großhirn nt
upper case
n (Typ: also upper-case letter) → Großbuchstabe m, → Versal m (spec); to set something in upperetw in Versalien setzen
adjgroß; an upper Tein großes T, ein Versal-T (spec)
upper circle
n (Brit Theat) → zweiter Rang
upper class
nobere Klasse, Oberschicht f; the upperesdie Oberschicht
adj accent, district, personvornehm, fein; sport, expression, attitudeder Oberschicht; to be upper (person) → zur Oberschicht gehören
n (US) Mitglied einer High School oder eines College
upper crust
n (inf)obere zehntausend pl (inf)
adj (inf)(schrecklich) vornehm (inf)
nAufwärtshaken m, → Uppercut m
Upper Egypt
nOberägypten nt
upper hand
n to gain or get the upperdie Oberhand gewinnen (→ of, over über +acc), → Oberwasser bekommen
Upper House
n (Parl) → Oberhaus nt


upper school
nOberschule f
upper sixth
n (Brit Sch) → ˜ Oberprima f
Upper Volta
n (Hist) → Obervolta nt ? Burkina Faso
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj
a. (jaw, lip) → superiore; (storey) → superiore, di sopra
the upper reaches of the Po → l'alto Po
b. (in importance, rank) → superiore, più alto/a, più elevato/a
the upper school → gli ultimi anni di scuola superiore
the upper income bracket → la fascia di reddito più alto
the upper middle class → l'alta borghesia
2. n (of shoe) → tomaia
to be on one's uppers (fig) (fam) → non avere il becco d'un quattrino
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈapə) adjective
higher in position, rank etc. the upper floors of the building; He has a scar on his upper lip.
(usually in plural) the part of a shoe above the sole. There's a crack in the upper.
ˈuppermost adjective
highest. in the uppermost room of the castle.
in the highest place or position. Thoughts of him were upper-most in her mind.
upper class
(of) the highest rank of society; (of) the aristocracy. The upper classes can no longer afford to have many servants; He speaks with an upper-class accent.
get/have the upper hand (of/over someone)
to have or win an advantage over. Our team managed to get the upper hand in the end.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


فَوْقِيّ horní øvre oberer ψηλότερος superior ylempi supérieur gornji superiore 上の 상부의 bovenste øvre wyższy superior верхний övre สูงกว่า üst cao hơn 上面的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. pop. droga estimulante, esp. una anfetamina;
a., comp. superior, más alto-a. que.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj (anat) superior (form), alto, de arriba
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Sola and I had entered a building upon the front of the city, in fact, the same one in which I had had my encounter with the apes, and, wishing to see what had caused the sudden retreat, I mounted to an upper floor and peered from the window out over the valley and the hills beyond; and there I saw the cause of their sudden scurrying to cover.
"On the upper part of this tank is a platinum tube provided with a stopcock.
By 7 o'clock in the evening, dinner was about over; an hour's promenade on the upper deck followed; then the gong sounded and a large majority of the party repaired to the after cabin (upper), a handsome saloon fifty or sixty feet long, for prayers.
The roof is about twelve feet high, and runs to a pretty sharp angle, as if there were a regular ridge-pole there; while these ribbed, arched, hairy sides, present us with those wondrous, half vertical, scimetar-shaped slats of whale-bone, say three hundred on a side, which depending from the upper part of the head or crown bone, form those Venetian blinds which have elsewhere been cursorily mentioned.
The wheel then sank little by little, and with it the massive ring of masonry, on the upper bed of which the masons labored incessantly, always reserving some vent holes to permit the escape of gas during the operation of the casting.
To avoid a multiplicity of examples in so plain a case, and to come at once to my point, I am apt to conceive, that one reason why many English writers have totally failed in describing the manners of upper life, may possibly be, that in reality they know nothing of it.
For the strain constantly kept up by the windlass continually keeps the whale rolling over and over in the water, and as the blubber in one strip uniformly peels off along the line called the scarf, simultaneously cut by the spades of Starbuck and Stubb, the mates; and just as fast as it is thus peeled off, and indeed by that very act itself, it is all the time being hoisted higher and higher aloft till its upper end grazes the main-top; the men at the windlass then cease heaving, and for a moment or two the prodigious blood-dripping mass sways to and fro as if let down from the sky, and every one present must take good heed to dodge it when it swings, else it may box his ears and pitch him headlong overboard.
The upper part, which is upwards of 1000 feet in height, during this season of the year (winter), comes within the lower limit of the clouds; and in consequence, an abundant cryptogamic vegetation, and a few flowers cover the summit.
Its difference from the manatee consisted in its upper jaw, which was armed with two long and pointed teeth which formed on each side diverging tusks.