

not severed
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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What Benjamin found in children's consciousness, badgered out of existence by bourgeois education and so crucial to redeem (albeit in a new form), was precisely the unsevered connection between perception and action that distinguished revolutionary consciousness in adults.
Land is defined to include the land parcel, as well as the water and air space superjacent to land, and natural products and deposits that are unsevered from the land.
In both systems, light and higher-consciousness are at the level of unsevered Wholeness.
Though Jones was more explicit than many authors about his desire to "discover an unsevered thread" that would bind everything he wrote, and set about doing so by consciously developing his theory about the evolution of the soldier in relation to Emersonian transcendentalism (Carter), even he would likely be surprised by the ways that his thematic concern for group and individual experience has provided a seedbed for a new cultural icon of such mixed and sometimes volatile ideologies.
Delia is the victim of the removed sexual violence that, by a curious slippage of roles, in an ancestral-type, still unsevered, mother-daughter relationship, she had projected onto Amalia.
This relational discourse not only signifies the unsevered connection embedded in today's cross-strait dilemma faced by both Taiwan and China, but challenges the prevailing peace and security myths and the embedded zero-sum mentality of polarization in the dominant discourses astounded by both governments in the recent years.
But the girl also knew that this thread she had received from her mother, the unsevered umbilical cord, would lead her where she did not want to go, to the gate of the Realm of the Dead.
Modern devices include liveness detection (based on recognition of physiological activities serving as signs of life) to prevent usage of counterfeit fingerprints or fingerprints from dead body fingers (separated or unsevered ones).
But it's not just family loyalty that tells Cousin Vinny's trainer the partnership shouldn't be unsevered - Mullins jnr was an amateur when riding the horse to a decisive victory in the Festival Bumper 12 months ago.