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(of a road) not made or mended with road metal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


adj (Brit) → ungeteert
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Shah Hasankhel was the unfortunate village, situated 21 kilometres south-east of Lakki Marwat district, comprising now a population of 6,000 individuals, where one could only see mud-made houses, unmetalled roads and endless sand mounds.
The device was planted on an unmetalled part of the road, which resulted in the entire vehicle being destroyed.
The ability to select two-wheel drive or fourwheel drive and lock the system by a rotary switch behind the gear lever was simple and effective and the ground clearance of the Kadjar meant it could safely and effectively cover rutted tracks and soft ground.There is no hill descent assist but the anti-locking brakes worked fine on a steep unmetalled road we found.
There is a turnoff on the main road west from Wadi Rayan and an unmetalled but perfectly serviceable track leads from there across some 35 km of desert to the wadi entrance.
After being transported to an altitude of 1,900m, the LTR 1060 demonstrated its off-road capabilities by climbing the remaining 1km on unmetalled hiking paths, including a 2km stretch at a 45[degrees] incline, over the course of five hours.
An additional 13mm of ground clearance also helps when taking the car along unmetalled tracks.
This route had plenty of variety with Coulson adding: "I must congratulate Morecombe Car Club on making a great route of eleven selectives that were fun to drive, yet challenging with some forestry sections and whites (unmetalled roads) thrown into the mix with the asphalt sections."
And it coped with rough, unmetalled surfaces in robust fashion, demonstrating plenty of grip on and off road.
The ride is top notch with minimal body roll, impressive given the car's greater height and it coped with rough, unmetalled surfaces in robust fashion demonstrating plenty of grip on and off road.
The ride is top notch with minimal body roll, impressive given the car's greater height, and it coped with rough, unmetalled surfaces in robust fashion, demonstrating plenty of grip on and off road.