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1. Not known; unfamiliar: a problem unknown in earlier times.
2. Not identified, ascertained, or established: received flowers from an unknown admirer.
3. Not well known or widely known: an unknown artist.
a. That which is unknown: investigating the unknown.
b. Something that is not known: This case has many unknowns.
c. A person who is not well known, as to the general public: cast an unknown in the starring role.
d. An unknown person, especially an Unknown Soldier: the tomb of the unknowns.
2. Mathematics A quantity of unknown numerical value.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. not known, understood, or recognized
2. not established, identified, or discovered: an unknown island.
3. not famous; undistinguished: some unknown artist.
4. unknown quantity a person or thing whose action, effect, etc, is unknown or unpredictable
5. an unknown person, quantity, or thing
6. (Mathematics) maths a variable, or the quantity it represents, the value of which is to be discovered by solving an equation; a variable in a conditional equation: 3y = 4x + 5 is an equation in two unknowns.
unˈknownness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. not known; not within the range of knowledge, experience, or understanding; strange; unfamiliar.
2. not discovered, explored, identified, or ascertained.
3. not widely known; not famous; obscure.
4. a person or thing that is unknown.
5. a symbol representing an unknown quantity: in algebra, analysis, etc., frequently represented by a letter from the last part of the alphabet.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. A code meaning "information not available."
2. An unidentified target. An aircraft or ship that has not been determined to be hostile, friendly, or neutral using identification friend or foe and other techniques, but that must be tracked by air defense or naval engagement systems.
3. An identity applied to an evaluated track that has not been identified. See also assumed friend; friend; hostile; neutral; suspect.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.unknown - an unknown and unexplored regionunknown - an unknown and unexplored region; "they came like angels out the unknown"
region - a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions"
2.unknown - anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are foundunknown - anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found
outsider, foreigner - someone who is excluded from or is not a member of a group
interloper, intruder, trespasser - someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission
3.unknown - a variable whose values are solutions of an equation
variable - a symbol (like x or y) that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a variable quantity
Adj.1.unknown - not knownunknown - not known; "an unknown amount"; "an unknown island"; "an unknown writer"; "an unknown source"
unacknowledged - not recognized or admitted
unfamiliar - not known or well known; "a name unfamiliar to most"; "be alert at night especially in unfamiliar surroundings"
inglorious - not bringing honor and glory; "some mute inglorious Milton here may rest"
known - apprehended with certainty; "a known quantity"; "the limits of the known world"; "a musician known throughout the world"; "a known criminal"
2.unknown - being or having an unknown or unnamed sourceunknown - being or having an unknown or unnamed source; "a poem by an unknown author"; "corporations responsible to nameless owners"; "an unnamed donor"
anon., anonymous - having no known name or identity or known source; "anonymous authors"; "anonymous donors"; "an anonymous gift"
3.unknown - not known to exist; "things obscurely felt surged up from unknown depths"
unsuspected - not suspected or believed likely; "remained unsuspected as the head of the spy ring"; "he was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected"; "unsuspected difficulties arose"; "unsuspected turnings in the road"
4.unknown - not famous or acclaimedunknown - not famous or acclaimed; "an obscure family"; "unsung heroes of the war"
inglorious - not bringing honor and glory; "some mute inglorious Milton here may rest"
5.unknown - not known before; "used many strange words"; "saw many strange faces in the crowd"; "don't let anyone unknown into the house"
unfamiliar - not known or well known; "a name unfamiliar to most"; "be alert at night especially in unfamiliar surroundings"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. strange, new, undiscovered, uncharted, unexplored, virgin, remote, alien, exotic, outlandish, unmapped, untravelled, beyond your ken a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain
2. undisclosed, secret, unspecified, unrevealed, concealed, undetermined, undivulged The proposed target of the bomb is unknown.
3. unidentified, mysterious, anonymous, unnamed, nameless, incognito Unknown thieves had forced their way into the apartment.
5. unheard of, unprecedented, unfamiliar, new, novel, strange, exotic A hundred years ago coronary heart disease was virtually unknown.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Not known or not widely known by name:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
غَيْر مَشْهورغَيْر مَعْروفمَجْهُول
알려지지 않은
adı bilinmeyenbilinmeyenbilinmeztanınmamış
không được biết


A. ADJ [identity, destination, territory, writer] → desconocido
the Cazorla Sierra is almost unknown outside Spainla Sierra de Cazorla casi no se conoce fuera de España
it's unknown for him to refuse a sweetnunca ha dicho que no a un caramelo que se sepa
it's not unknown for him to be wrong (iro) → no es precisamente que no se haya equivocado nunca (iro)
she's a bit of an unknown quantityella es una incógnita
for some unknown reasonpor alguna razón desconocida
the Unknown Soldierel soldado desconocido
to be unknown to sb the name is unknown to meel nombre no me resulta conocido
a substance unknown to scienceuna sustancia no conocida por la ciencia, una sustancia que la ciencia desconoce
see also person
B. ADV unknown to mesi yo saberlo
C. N (= person) → desconocido/a m/f (Math, fig) → incógnita f
the unknownlo desconocido
a journey into the unknownun viaje a lo desconocido
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= not known, not identified) [number, terrain, motive, reason, identity] → inconnu(e)
unknown to me (= without my knowing) → à mon insu
Unknown to her, I had already seen my lawyer → À son insu, j'avais déjà vu mon avocat.
unknown quantity (MATHEMATICS)inconnue f
to be an unknown quantity (fig) (= to be mysterious, not known) → rester une inconnue
(= unfamiliar) [visitor] → inconnu(e)
an unknown man → un inconnu
an unknown woman → une inconnue
to be unknown to sb → être inconnu(e) à qn
He was unknown to me → Il m'était inconnu.
(= not famous) [person] → inconnu(e)
(= unheard-of) → inconnu(e)
it is not unknown for ... → il arrive que ...
It is not unknown for travellers to forget their passports → Il arrive que des voyageurs oublient leur passeport.
(= fact) → inconnue f
(= person) → inconnu(e) m/f
the unknown (= unfamiliar things or places) → l'inconnu m
fear of the unknown → la peur de l'inconnu
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adjunbekannt; the unknown soldier or warriorder Unbekannte Soldat; unknown territory (lit, fig)Neuland nt; some unknown personirgendein Unbekannter; to be unknown to somebody (feeling, territory) → jdm fremd sein; it’s unknown for him to get up for breakfastman ist es von ihm gar nicht gewohnt, dass er zum Frühstück aufsteht; this substance is unknown to sciencediese Substanz ist der Wissenschaft nicht bekannt ? person
n (= person)Unbekannte(r) mf; (= factor, Math) → Unbekannte f; (= territory)unerforschtes Gebiet, Neuland nt; the unknowndas Unbekannte; a journey into the unknown (lit, fig)eine Fahrt ins Ungewisse
adv unknown to me etcohne dass ich etc es wusste; unknown to me, the contents of my suitcase were inspectedohne mein Wissen or ohne dass ich davon wusste, wurde der Inhalt meines Koffers untersucht
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adjsconosciuto/a, ignoto/a
the murderer is as yet unknown → ancora non si sa chi sia l'assassino
it's unknown for her to get to work on time → quando mai è arrivata al lavoro in orario?
unknown quantity (Math) (fig) → incognita
his intentions are unknown to me → non conosco le sue intenzioni
a substance unknown to scientists → una sostanza ignota agli scienziati
2. adv unknown to mea mia insaputa
unknown to them he was nearby → era nelle vicinanze, a loro insaputa
3. n
a. (person) → sconosciuto/a
b. (Math) → incognita
the unknown → l'ignoto
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(anˈnouiŋli) adverb
without being aware. She had unknowingly given the patient the wrong medicine.
unˈknown adjective
1. not known. her unknown helper.
2. not famous; not well-known. That actor was almost unknown before he played that part.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مَجْهُول neznámý ukendt unbekannt άγνωστος desconocido tuntematon inconnu neznan sconosciuto 未知の 알려지지 않은 onbekend ukjent nieznany desconhecido неизвестный okänd ไม่มีใครรู้จัก bilinmez không được biết 不知道的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
The unknown concluded they were about to introduce the impatiently expected traveler, and made three precipitate steps to meet him.
Thus it was that in obedience to the law laid down by his mother, and in obedience to the law of that unknown and nameless thing, fear, he kept away from the mouth of the cave.
"Sir," said the unknown, "you pretend that our satellite is inhabited.
However far he has walked, whatever strange, unknown, and dangerous places he reaches, just as a sailor is always surrounded by the same decks, masts, and rigging of his ship, so the soldier always has around him the same comrades, the same ranks, the same sergeant major Ivan Mitrich, the same company dog Jack, and the same commanders.
The unknown lady, in her reply, made no objection to this, and stated that, as to my acquirements, she had no doubt I should be able to give satisfaction; but in the engagement of governesses she considered those things as but subordinate points; as being situated in the neighbourhood of O , she could get masters to supply any deficiencies in that respect: but, in her opinion, next to unimpeachable morality, a mild and cheerful temper and obliging disposition were the most essential requisities.
Madame Stahl called her Varenka, and other people called her "Mademoiselle Varenka." Apart from the interest Kitty took in this girl's relations with Madame Stahl and with other unknown persons, Kitty, as often happened, felt an inexplicable attraction to Mademoiselle Varenka, and was aware when their eyes met that she too liked her.
For that strange spectacle observable in all sperm whales dying --the turning sunwards of the head, and so expiring --that strange spectacle, beheld of such a placid evening, somehow to Ahab conveyed a wondrousness unknown before.
The travelers then comprehended that there must be some reason why the unknown preserved such a silence, and ceased to address themselves to him.
He wept her loss night and day, and his only comfort was to talk over it with a young and unknown prince, who had just arrived at the Court.
And Nalasu, who had lived a long life most bravely in the midst of perils he had known, was destined to die a coward out of his fear of the thing unknown, the chemically propelled missile of the white masters.
Finally, she sits down crying on a block of stone, and is in all the known and unknown humours of her sex at once.
Did an atmosphere, then, bring to this unknown face its life-giving atoms?