

not placed in a group
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The relationship between age and treatment effects was also assessed by means of the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient using ungrouped age values.
The results are shown in Table 3, which includes a general list that is the result of an ungrouped analysis, a men's list, and a women's list.
Roughly 43% of the capital plan will focus on alternative water supply projects, 20% on asset management, 12% on plant reinvestment or expansions, and 25% on other ungrouped major projects.
These data were used to create an ungrouped frequency distribution of the categorical variable (calls made).
Karame says that Parcels 3689 and 3687 were ungrouped by the LRC and the former was transferred to the new Eden Bay project; however, she explains that the Municipality of Beirut was not informed of this change, so when Parcel 3689 was transferred to Eden Bay, the project was entitled to a larger building than what would have been allowed if the decision had been based on the size of Parcel 3689 alone.
Second, a small number of ungrouped individuals may remain after iterating across characteristics as described above.
By dividing the aggregate data by the number of households each year and using the ungrouped dataset of cross-section data, Bunting substantially reduced the gap of MPCs from time-series data and from survey data.
The etiology was ungrouped as follows: 8 cases (5.9 %), of complications of medical treatment (5 cases of atelectasis, 2 of acute postoperative bronchitis and one case of urinary tract infection); and 5 cases (3.7 %), of complications of surgical treatment (3 cases of infection of the superficial operative site, 1 case of residual cavity and 1 case of eventration [the latter two required a surgical reoperation, representing an incidence of reoperation of 1.47 % in the follow-up period]) (Table V).
For this number of groups it is possible to observe the same relationships discussed earlier, which reflects the larger genetic distances of the ungrouped accessions in relation to each group of accessions.
Parrotomyia, 16 species, 4 subspecies; Rondanomyia, 1 species, 2 subspecies; Sergentomyia, 45 species, 6 subspecies; Sintonius, 27 species; Spelaeomyia, 6 species; Trouilletomyia, 2 species; Vattieromyia, 4 species), and one ungrouped taxon (24 species).