

to remove a gown (from)
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References in periodicals archive ?
The original design's "one size fits all" temperature setpoint of 68[degrees]F, [+ or -]0.5[degrees]F (20[degrees]C, [+ or -]0.3[degrees]C) was updated to suit the varied environments of clothing and activity ranging from surgery with assumed clothing insulation and metabolic factors of 1.1 clo and 2.0 met, respectively, plus radiant heating from lighting and equipment (68[degrees]F, [+ or -]0.5[degrees]F [20[degrees]C, [+ or -]0.3[degrees]C]), to ungowned break rooms with assumed clothing insulation and metabolic factors of 0.57 clo and 1.0 met (73[degrees]F, [+ or -]3[degrees]F [23[degrees]C, [+ or -]1.7[degrees]C]).