
Also found in: Thesaurus, Financial.


the process or fact of spending less than one can afford or is allocated
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With ample cash due to government underspending at the start of the year, debt paper sold by the Bureau of the Treasury went down to P5.24 trillion at end-July.
THE country's gross domestic product (GDP) for the first quarter could have hit 7.2 percent if not for the delayed approval of the 2019 General Appropriations Act (GAA), as underspending for the quarter amounted to P69.5 billion, the Department of Finance said.
He said: "I have been working with my team to do a deep dive on month 11, bare in mind we are now two weeks away from the financial year end, to have a look at areas where we are underspending and where we are overspending.
He said: "I have been working with my team to do a deep dive on month 11, - bear in mind we are now two weeks away from the financial year end - to have a look at areas where we are underspending and where we are overspending.
DBM: Absolutely no underspending !-- -- (philstar.com) - December 5, 2018 - 6:28pm MANILA, Philippines The Department of Budget and Management on Wednesday denied lawmakers' claim that the Duterte administration is slacking on spending.
The Department of Finance (DOF) assured yesterday that it will cooperate with the House of Representatives in the planned inquiry over the "perceived" underspending during the Duterte administration.
The biggest area of underspending so far is in employee costs, with the authority PS678,000 under the expected budget of PS11,159,000.
Other areas of underspending included salaries where [pounds sterling]54,000 was saved due to vacant posts while the amount of money coming in for legal work for third parties such as the drawing up of tree preservation orders was more than [pounds sterling]63,000 up on what had been expected.
KIRKLEES Council has found itself with an unexpected million-pound "windfall" after underspending over the last year - despite having to make cuts totalling PS54m.
In 2016, he described "significant" underspending during the 1990s and 2000s, particularly in areas relating to social justice and welfare.
The FD in the first university said that "some form of profit-sharing would make sense" -an underspending department might roll forward some of the saving, while the university as a whole would also benefit.