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Related to unassured: unsurely


1. not trustworthy
2. lacking confidence or assurance; insecure
3. insurance not safe from loss; uninsured
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unassured - lacking boldness or confidenceunassured - lacking boldness or confidence  
insecure - lacking self-confidence or assurance; "an insecure person lacking mental stability"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
But once, the mood was on him too deep for common regardings; and as with heavy, lumber-like pace he was measuring the ship from taffrail to mainmast, Stubb, the odd second mate, came up from below, and with a certain unassured, deprecating humorousness, hinted that if Captain Ahab was pleased to walk the planks, then, no one could say nay; but there might be some way of muffling the noise; hinting something indistinctly and hesitatingly about a globe of tow, and the insertion into it, of the ivory heel.
Let them assure of his protection today, he will submit himself to the police immediately, but you know the politics behind these allegations and the risk to his life turning himself in unassured of protection.
QA in HIV testing is mentioned in several reports but the inclusion of borderline positive sample in both Rapid and ELISA assays is still unassured.
However, even if it is approved by Duterte, the likelihood that it will be adopted by Congress and presented for ratification to Filipinos remain unassured.
My mother would come home with a small portion of rice, a handout from a politician."Where did the rice come from?" I would ask her, and she would say from someone campaigning, the name unimportant, her vote equally unassured. As she served the rice to my siblings and our neighbours, she would repeat an old refrain:"Empty containers make a lot of noise." My mother understood who the real winners and losers are in Kenyan politics.
We addressed an axis of the intimate realm of the experience with endometriosis that concerns the dialogue between the treatment/pilgrimage symbols, named by one of the interviewed as endometriosis kit, uncovering the violence of unassured public service and the specific situations of institutional violence.
While a 1-day HBB training programme may result in skills enhancement of birth attendants, its translation into clinical practice is unassured. For this reason, a comprehensive health system-strengthening strategy will be necessary to avoid preventable neonatal deaths.
When such a finite-dimensional controller is applied to a real structure, only the modes of interest are stabilized while the stability of other residual (uncontrolled and unmodeled) modes is unassured. The interaction between the controller and the residual modes may deteriorate the control performance and sometimes induce instability, known as spillover phenomenon [36].
Needless to say, the object of Jewish desire is the inevitable shiksa.) Their heroes, Noah Ackerman in The Young Lions for example, wimpy, unassured and conflicted both as a Jew and a soldier, are walking stereotypes, and even with Shaw's attempts to present his Jewish soldiers as John Wayne's with sidelocks, they seem a sad and disappointed group.
The inevitably incomplete contracts (Grossman & Hart, 1986) leave managers with significant control and investors unassured that managers will not invest in projects with private, nonpecuniary benefits but low expected shareholder payoffs (Aghion & Bolton, 1992).