typewriter ribbon

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Related to typewriter ribbon: typewriter font
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.typewriter ribbon - a long strip of inked material for making characters on paper with a typewritertypewriter ribbon - a long strip of inked material for making characters on paper with a typewriter
strip, slip - artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material
typewriter - hand-operated character printer for printing written messages one character at a time
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typewriter ribbon

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References in periodicals archive ?
Mrs E Ford, Flat 1, 21A High Street, Monifieth DDS 4AA | Anyone know where I could purchase a typewriter ribbon for Boots Nippo 200?
While the typewriter was clean, reconditioned, and in perfect working order, my first question was, where do I get typewriter ribbon? I closed the deal when I was told NBS still carries typewriter ribbon.
1886: The typewriter ribbon was patented by George Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee.
There's also a version with a typewriter ribbon prop, but that one costs 82,800 yen or $750, as per (https://www.gamespot.com/articles/resident-evil-remake-2s-japanese-special-edition-i/1100-6461098/) GameSpot.
There is variation of course, particularly in font size from piece to piece as well as heavy or lightness of ink indicating the quality or age of the typewriter ribbon or the quality of the dot matrix printer used in conjunction with an electric word-processor.
Journalists as a whole often cling to an old-school approach to reporting, clutching their notepad while fondly recalling the lost smell of typewriter ribbon. So as a group, we're often late adopters to the conveniences modern technology can bring to our reporting.
Moomaw Esq."Most are carefully typed with flawless spacing and tabs; some even shift to a red typewriter ribbon for emphasis.
For exams, they removed the typewriter ribbon and used special waxed paper ("stencil"), occasionally toothpicking keys like "o" and "a" to extract stuck wax.
Nowhere now, a typewriter ribbon. Quaintly the record album's
According to Jon's sources, Fleming had left for his annual stay there, in early January, 1957, "weighed down with about 200 pages of blank foolscap and a new typewriter ribbon. By February 4, nearly 40,000 words were under his belt and two weeks later he had begun the final chapter".
world were smarter than brain surgeons by a typewriter ribbon mile.