turret lathe

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Related to turret lathe: Engine lathe, capstan lathe

turret lathe

(Tools) another name for capstan lathe
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According to Karen Mizoguchi (People Human Interest), "In 1942, 20-year-old Fraley posed for a photograph wearing her signature red and white polka dot bandana and working on a turret lathe." Over the years, the true identity of "Rosie" became blurred and she was attributed to several different women.
An engine lathe is seldom economical in lots above 100, and a turret lathe is best adapted to tots of 100 to 500.
(Two Genos-brand machines, a subspindle turret lathe and a 40-taper MC, appeared at IMTS-2010 in Chicago.)
Machine tools often were patented, though--especially early on--important machines such as the milling machine and turret lathe were not.
He's been working in a machine shop since age 12, starting by drilling holes on a turret lathe and making simple parts on a Bridgeport.
Companies such as Cincinnati and Browne and Sharpe designed and manufactured quality, specialized machinery: the turret lathe, the automatic screw machine, mills and grinders, and sheet metal punches.
(Yabuki, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan) plans to transfer assembling of BNA turret lathe models from Japan to Tanauan City, Batangas, Philippines, in April.
He's been working in a machine shop since he was 12, starting with drilling holes with a turret lathe and making simple parts on a Bridgeport.
''He must have started at Coventry Chain when he was 13 and worked on the turret lathe until he was 17 and enlisted at Coventry drill hall.