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Related to turn-ups: French cuff, trouser cuff


Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
References in classic literature ?
I was passable enough when I went with the tinker, though nothing to boast of then; but what with blowing the fire with my mouth when I was young, and spileing my complexion, and singeing my hair off, and swallering the smoke, and what with being nat'rally unfort'nate in the way of running against hot metal and marking myself by sich means, and what with having turn-ups with the tinker as I got older, almost whenever he was too far gone in drink--which was almost always--my beauty was queer, wery queer, even at that time.
The laughter, the mood swings, the road trips, the sleepovers, the dinners, the turn-ups, theudaku, the Central Park chilling- haha, the looong- and oppressively hot- afternoon classes.
Yes there were some turn-ups but there were also good ones like Tiger Roll and Altior so a right few of the lads made a profit, including The Bear's mate Stuart from Perth who didn't know what it was like to lose at one stage.
To add insult to injury, he also had significant turn-ups on his trousers, revealing the full horror of his white hairy ankles.
Waldmann was dressed in workman's ankle length turn-ups, bovver boots and a T-shirt, looking exactly like the man who comes to service the boiler.
Turn-ups are the perfect style to wear with a kitten or block heel.
They won at Stamford Bridge last weekend, which probably rates as one of the turn-ups of the decade.
our fave Chinos don't have to be beige - the 7/8th length with loose turn-ups flatters all.
Take Frank, the elderly ex-circus strong man, for example - strong as ox since he was knee-high to a clown's turn-ups, until the night he got out of bed to answer the call of nature, hit the deck and couldn't get up again.
Yet just as Roy Hodgson was staring into the vegetable patch, facing his first proper coating as England manager, we ended up with Swedes 2 Turn-ups 3.
Surely, thought Mr B, it can't be anything to do with the time I noted how Cllr Millea's dress sense - including excessive turn-ups on his jeans - at one executive board meeting two years ago made him look like he was going off to dig the roads.