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a. often Troglodyte A member of a fabulous or prehistoric race of people that lived in caves, dens, or holes.
b. A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.
a. A nonhuman ape. Not in scientific use.
b. An animal that lives underground, as an ant or a worm. Not in scientific use.

[From Latin Trōglodytae, a people said to be cave dwellers, from Greek Trōglodutai, alteration (influenced by trōglē, hole, and -dutai, those who enter) of Trōgodutai.]

trog′lo·dyt′ic (-dĭt′ĭk), trog′lo·dyt′i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Foremost of all, of course, were the sight of the fiery caves and the certainty that some troglodytic race inhabited them.
One of its assertions was, "Women on average show a higher interest in people and men in things." This contention, however troglodytic one might find it, really is a useable description of the skills and interests that set obstetricians and pediatricians apart from surgeons, radiologists, and anesthesiologists.
Hyde through the pretentiously detached "troglodytic," which points to a time before any late Victorian economy of common sense, in fact, before any economy whatsoever.
The release goes on: "JARV is entirely implausible, JARV is a way of looking at the world, JARV is an acronym, JARV stands for something, JARV is louder than you might expect, JARV is two women & three men, JARV is up close & personal, JARV is troglodytic, JARV is a rave in a cave, JARV is a group, JARV is the next best thing."
ISIS and its troglodytic adherents feed off of the misery of their enslaved population and the pervasive apathy of traditional power blocs to intervene against their alarming expansion.
purpose behind CPLR section 5222(b) point to the troglodytic view that
A theme so classic its origin is troglodytic is: "We need your help." The ancient cry isn't as motivational as one that doesn't suggest deficiency on the part of the sender.
It's surely very odd that the fast-vanishing troglodytic lifestyle should not have been immortalized in museum form other then in the dioramas set up in the Ortahisar museum.
When Utterson describes Hyde as "troglodytic," he refers to the "deep fear of regression to a violent animality in us that soon appeared again in reactions to Jack the Ripper murders so associated with the book, in the London of 1888." (Hogle 1998: 223)
Two converging narratives ensue: Ibraham Nassouf's surreptitious journey over land and sea from Iraq toward England, and the development of journalistic and political events in that country, sparked by the instantaneous and unshakable conclusion drawn by media reporters and commentators that the dead must be the victims of racist troglodytic English locals who confronted the immigrants during the night and barbarously slaughtered them.
(15) Claudio's troglodytic, patronizing presumptuousness in wooing Marta is downright pathetic, indirectly (or perhaps not so indirectly) shining a sharp directorial comment on the quality of the ruling/managerial class responsible (if that's the word) for the fortunes, or otherwise, of Italian capitalista as we speak.