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tr.v. trans·port·ed, trans·port·ing, trans·ports
1. To move or carry (goods, for example) from one place to another; convey. See Synonyms at carry.
2. To cause to feel strong emotion, especially joy; carry away; enrapture.
3. To send abroad to a penal colony; deport.
n. (trăns′pôrt′)
1. The act of transporting; conveyance.
2. The condition of being transported by emotion; joy or rapture.
3. A ship or aircraft used to transport troops or military equipment.
4. A vehicle, such as an aircraft, used to transport passengers, mail, or freight.
a. The system of transporting passengers or goods in a particular country or area.
b. The vehicles, such as buses and trains, used in such a system.
6. A deported convict.

[Middle English transporten, from Old French transporter, from Latin trānsportāre : trāns-, trans- + portāre, to carry; see per- in Indo-European roots.]

trans·port′a·bil′i·ty n.
trans·port′a·ble adj.
trans·port′er n.
trans·por′tive adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The fact of the larger fruits often floating longer than the small, is interesting; as plants with large seeds or fruit could hardly be transported by any other means; and Alph.
But seeds may be occasionally transported in another manner.
His own intelligence may indeed have easily anticipated that, when Ivanhoe sunk down, and seemed abandoned by all the world, it was the importunity of Rebecca which prevailed on her father to have the gallant young warrior transported from the lists to the house which for the time the Jews inhabited in the suburbs of Ashby.
Rebecca lost no time in causing the patient to be transported to their temporary dwelling, and proceeded with her own hands to examine and to bind up his wounds.
Beyond the sphere of their body and this earth they now fancied themselves transported, these ungrateful ones.
I have said that within the period of existing sea-shells, Patagonia has been upraised 300 to 400 feet: I may add, that within the period when icebergs transported boulders over the upper plain of Santa Cruz, the elevation has been at least
When we consider that all these pebbles, countless as the grains of sand in the desert, have been derived from the slow falling of masses of rock on the old coast-lines and banks of rivers, and that these fragments have been dashed into smaller pieces, and that each of them has since been slowly rolled, rounded, and far transported the mind is stupefied in thinking over the long, absolutely necessary, lapse of years.
My wife, however, was a fairy, and so she did not let me drown, but transported me to an island.
I appeased her wrath, and in a moment she transported me from the island where we were to the roof of my house, and she disappeared a moment afterwards.
Thence the iron was transported by rail to Stones Hill, and about the middle of January this enormous mass of metal was delivered at its destination.
A considerable part of them were made prisoners, and transported to the English colonies.
But now, at least, they could tell that many had been left behind or transported to other regions.

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